
Rebirth of Reason


Dance is a derivative art form based on music. It is the selective recreation of reality through human movement. The dance is organized and selected by the music it is to accompany. It adds to music, but is not an art form by itself. The music is the primary. It is what brings the expression into existence as an entity. Dance cannot do this without music. The human movements are meaningless without the integrating nature of music.

Dance accompanies music by further concretizing certain aspects of music. Music recreates the human expressions of emotion, mood, and attitude. It is these expressions that dance compliments, allowing them to be grasped visually as well. Human movement can enable a clearer expression of mood and attitude, since these are often expressed through movement.

Dance can express joy and happiness by a light, energetic bouncing, like children playing. It can express sadness and grief by showing a slow, stumbling movement. It can show excitement by being fast and full of energy. In this way, dance enhances music, as well as allows aspects of it to be perceived directly.

(This page mirrored from Importance of Philosophy.com)