
Rebirth of Reason

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Friday, December 11, 2015 - 1:25pmSanction this postReply

Looks to me like the SJW is evidence that post-modernism/Alinky/Critical-theory/PC-thought is finally nearing an intellectual end-state.  Intellectual nihilism in the cultural/political realms.  Look for the next stages to be implimentation via creeping political appeasement from the media and the establishment, cultural spread, and then you have a situation where nothing that requires reason (which is just about everything) will decline.  We could rename them the BNDA (Bringers of the Next Dark Age). 


Some of them are today's grad-students.  Imagine what they'll be like like as professors, and what their students will be like (some things the mind just can't grasp).


As an aside, they give narcissism a bad name.  It isn't psychological narcissim, but rather the learned application of the tantrum to the social and political realm.  It is emotionalism being expressed as if it represented some kind of meaningful expression of ideas.  If one were to imagine the naked application of brutal force to win arguments, then what we see here is the next major step on the road to violence as a means of arguing.  The mechanism in use is the maximizing political 'gains' by delivering anti-concepts via emotionalism.  But being nihilists, it is more like political destruction than gain.

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Post 1

Friday, December 11, 2015 - 2:42pmSanction this postReply



My favorite comment to this video on YouTube:



Danielle Dovahsdottir 1 week ago



My life experiences, both offline and online, has shown me time and again that the most hateful, intolerant people I've ever met are extremists on the left. Mind you, I don't like much of what the religious righties have to say and they have their own brand of insane too. But these folks are a whole different breed of person. I dated a man a few years ago and lemme tell ya, scary shit happened. If you'll indulge me. I had him and another over for dinner. A lovely evening ensued, quiet conversation and honest intellectual debate about a whole host of issues. We were driving the other guest home, and they invited us up to their apt to meet their roommates. We went upstairs and weren't there even 10 mins when three other people came out of their rooms, blocked the door, and surrounded me, and proceeded to threaten my person with violence. Why? Because during dinner, the guest...in my own home...was texting their roommates about how he didn't like my views. Yes, you read that right. These psychotic people were literally going to lynch me, like for real, because I didn't agree with them. And they set a trap to bring me up to their home to do it. Not over a wrong I'd had done him. Not even over rude, harsh words. Simply because I didn't agree and I politely defended my own views and treated them with respect and courtesy while doing it. Because of that, I was going to be hurt. Needless to say I'm typing this and am fine but...yeah...these people are some brand of nuts and honestly, you do have to be careful dealing with them. They truly do not have a grip on reality, decency or anything.

Post 2

Friday, December 11, 2015 - 5:45pmSanction this postReply


Post 3

Sunday, December 13, 2015 - 11:45amSanction this postReply

The Urban Dictionary identifies "social justice warrior" as a pejorative term.



In that context, as explained, the original video cited in this thread is itself an example of a social justice warrior.  I point to the barrage of profanities, as well as the bad grammar: "... these group of people that are super-narcissistic..."


I also never heard of a "social justice warrior" until I read Luke's post.  That is why I looked it up. There's a lot out there on this, none of it pro-SJW.

Post 4

Sunday, December 13, 2015 - 12:46pmSanction this postReply



The farther to the left a group is, the less likely they are to attempt to brand themselves with a name or to be recognized by their actual underlying principles.  (Instead, they will march under a banner of some issue as if it were everyman's issue).  They want their underlying motives to stay hidden - at least that's so for those who are aware enough to grasp that principles exist. 


Progressives a generation or so ago, started calling themselves liberals, a label they stole from the classical liberals who were opposed to big government's oppression of the individual.  After 'liberal' had become perjorative (exposed), they picked the old term, "Progressive," back up since enough time had passed to have cleansed the cultural memory.  In time I suspect they'll shed that'progressive' label like a snake sheds its skin and find some new label to hide under.


The anarchists that marched in the streets of Fergusson and in the Occupy Wall Street demonstrations in New York, and in Greece, and many other events, are identifiable by the Guy Fawkes mask they like wear.  It conceals the person's identity, but if that mask becomes too recognizable as a symbol for nilism, they may change that.  The heart of a lie is its need to stay in the dark. 


The 'intellectual' progression that has lead to these "social justice warriors" is such that I don't expect them to have a name for themselves (at least not one that is tied to their underlying principles) - they are at a point where they don't want to have an identity.  They are about the angry destruction of things behind various rationalities (any of which will do: inequality, white privilge, global warming, etc.)  Labels distract from the naked exercise of angry emotions as a political tool.


The barrage of profanities in that video was off-putting, but it didn't obscure the message which still could be examined.  I might not like the style of a presentation, or the grammar, but my first concern is about asking, "what is the message?" 


I suspect that there will be a number of labels that appear as these people continue their protests, as long as they are having an effect.  They might want to reject any label, but the human need to conceptualize will prevail.  The label 'social justice warrior' is better than other labels I've heard so far (like for those protesting against being offended: "little cupcakes" afraid of being offended, or when they demanded 'safe spaces' and the resignation of officials: "pantywaist fascists") 

If I were to chime in on a label, I'd make a change and call them "Social Justice Facists."  The only problem with that is that "social justice" is an anti-concept... so the label would still need some work.

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Post 5

Sunday, December 13, 2015 - 2:18pmSanction this postReply

I attended a Mensa regional gathering many years ago.  One of the other Mensans there was an ACLU activist and self-identified Communist.  He knew of my Objectivist leanings.  In the hospitality suite, he turned to another guest and said, "I think we should have a debate on whether the world would be better off if we all got together and killed Luke."


High IQ just means some people are better at being clever-dick smart-asses than others.

Post 6

Sunday, December 13, 2015 - 2:47pmSanction this postReply

Luke, as I've said before, IQ is not a valid measure of intelligence. 


The universities, influenced at the root by Critical Theory and the tactics of Saul Alinsky have adopted ridicule and sarcasm as their goto tools for rhetoric.  I'm hoping the day will come when the people of reason and principle turn to ridicule PLUS rational principles.  Psychologically, the little facists won't know how to deal with being mocked as foolish and unimportant for their lack of reason.  They assume themselves 'in the know' and a the leading edge of the elites - ridicule has a special bite for those folks.


Here is a proper response to that smart ass, "How about we see who thinks the world would be better off with communism or with liberty, and whether they want someone like you to tell them what to do, instead of just being free?  Hey, everyone who wants somebody to be the boss of them, raise your hands."

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