
Rebirth of Reason

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Tuesday, January 17, 2012 - 6:59pmSanction this postReply
CBS, that's the Columbia Broadcasting Service, right? It was an old 20th century television and radio franchise of some kind, was it not, back before the internet. You know what WIFI is, right? Like if you don't have an iPod or Droid but a big laptop, and you want to connect, you have to goto a cafe, right? Well, this was like that, except that each box needs its own wire. Wires were connected to "antennas." An antenna is a wire frame up in the air that "catches" radio waves. If you know your history, you know that Ethernet started like this to connect the Hawaiian Islands. Anyway, this was all before fiber optics and digital cell phones.

So, this "CBS" was a network-like thing that provided content to television and radio stations. (Radio was like an early early iPod with only sound and no pictures, like back in 2001 but radio goes back to like 1901...) Anyway, it was like Huffpo except that instead of you connecting to it, they found you, but you could turn it off if you wanted.

So, this "CBS" is like some kind of Roman Re-enactment, but instead of wearing leather and bronze and reading from "scrolls" in Latin, they sit on chairs and tell you their ideas in a serial way that you cannot "scroll" past or click through. And there is no way to post a comment, so it is all one way.

It's kind of cute, but, I fail to see why anyone takes it as a serious medium for the presentation of ideas. Ed, can you explain this better>?

(Edited by Gaius Marius Mercurialis on 1/17, 7:03pm)

(Edited by Michael E. Marotta on 1/17, 7:04pm)

Post 1

Tuesday, January 17, 2012 - 8:39pmSanction this postReply

How come your first edit was performed by "Gaius Marius Mercurialis"? Is that some kind of an 'alternate personality' for you, or something? I have never even heard of such a person. It sounds like you are actually some kind of a Roman god, or something -- inhabiting the body of the numismatist, criminology-major person to which we refer around here as "Michael Marotta."

I've noticed this before. You keep on editing yourself with these Medieval-sounding pseudonyms, but I have determined that I am going to continue to be your buddy -- even if you have such odd quirks about you.
Ed, can you explain this better>?
I fear that I cannot -- at least not without a "healthy dose" (whatever that may be) of illicit, hallucinogenic drugs. It appears that you either have a good stash of hallucinogenics, yourself, or that you might be -- and I stress, might here -- that you might be just a tad more imaginative than I.



p.s. Did you see the look on the interviewer's face when the other gal said that republicans are bound and determined to oust Obama? She looked like she was going to throw-up, or something! Watching liberals can be fun, as long as you don't make a past-time out of it.

(Edited by Ed Thompson on 1/17, 8:41pm)

Post 2

Tuesday, January 17, 2012 - 9:50pmSanction this postReply
Lol when my son and I used to play wow we had an arena team named Farticus Maximus does that count for cool roman names?

Post 3

Monday, January 23, 2012 - 7:32amSanction this postReply
For instance ...

Ron Paul said that -- if he got elected as president -- that he'd probably build more military bases in the U.S. (than we have right now). Now, no other presidential candidate has agreed that they'd actually do this, which is an instance, however isolated, which calls into question whether they would keep us as safe as Ron Paul would. Most everyone (and certainly everyone in the popular press) claims that Ron Paul would keep us less safe. There isn't a good argument for that, however -- at least nobody has presented one -- so it is likely just based on gut feelings.


I really like how the concrete-bound, anti-conceptual moderator got his butt handed back to him by Ron Paul. It's funny how these guys phrase their questions regarding their assumption that government does create wealth (jobs) in America -- and that we all need to scramble for a piece of that pie. Like Rand explained, they take what is in front of their eyes as a given and as an absolute (just like animals do), never questioning where things might come from, or what background dynamics have to be firmly set into place before certain results can ensue.

Good little pragmatists, they keep their focus on a narrow, forest path and they always remember to only look one or two steps ahead -- and to never look at the forest as a whole. They don't want to understand where they are or what they are doing, they just want to take the very next step without stumbling. It's ironic that that behavior gets them into pitfalls such as is shown in the video above.



(Edited by Ed Thompson on 1/23, 7:44am)

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