| | Wolfer 30: ... It is confusing as to why you would object to Hayek given that he ... [Ayn Rand] couldn't stand Hayek's muddled epistemology, without which he would never be able to give a strong moral support to Capitalism (look at her marginalia on Hayek). He was a skeptic who didn't think it possible to have hard and fast principles - particularly in ethics ... Wolfer 34: Mike IS objecting to Hayek, citing Rand's hatred for Hayek ... ... Then Mike throws this in the face of what he thinks of as "conservative Objectivists." In effect, casting himself and Rand as good guys, ... Erickson 32:As usual from MM this is an indirect backwards smear towards Ayn Rand and RoR "Conservatives". ... Thompson 33: Steve and Robert, Mike isn't objecting to Hayek, he's saying Rand did (and showing why).
First I do not object to Hayek. I do not accept much of what he wrote. But I am learning to appreciate some of his insights.
I never read anything of his until watching the video. I got Counter-revolution of Science; Studies on the Abuse of Reason (1952) and Studies in Philosophy, Politics and Economics (1967). From Counter-revolution of Science I read the first few and a few more pages and then some paragraphs and returned it to the library. It was not much better than the post modernism I had to read for sociology and criminology classes. The "limits of reason" stuff might have some potential. You need to check your premises, but that book was just not fruitful for me. If the scientific method of physics does not work for the social sciences and if they are nonetheless sciences, then the author -- especially Hayek -- needs to say why.
I almost returned Studies in Philosophy, Politics and Economics at the same time, but decided to read more from it. It does offer a better statement of Hayek's philosophy. However, little of it is pithy. Quotable quotes are hard to find. He is a strong rationalist, moreso than von Mises. Also, he admits that liberalism has not bridged the theoretical gap to show how individual freedom leads to social order. Orders emerge. That's the best he can do. And he admits that. Over and over. (The book is going back later this week. It's bedtime reading only.)
Second Just because Ayn Rand liked or disapproved of someone or something might be interesting, but, not really. Capital-O Objectivism is not Randism. Women can wear midi-skirts and run for president.
Third Neither was it intended as a smear of Ayn Rand. She was an objectivist. In fact, she thought of herself as The Objectivist. So, of course, she would argue against rationalism. That she softened on von Mises is interesting, but the fact remains that she disagreed with his epistemology. With Hayek, she was less flexible.
I have not read Ayn Rand's Marginalia.
Fourth That conservatives (including minarchists) accept that the government should be powerful in action, though limited in range is a truth. Hayek accepted the need for some kinds of welfare payments, but was careful about their extent and especially wary of their financing, but, again, he was of mixed premises. So, yes, I was asking the minarchists to show why the government services in adjudication and protection are meta-goods or meta-services. Minarchists want one institution or agency to hold a geographic monopoly on force and fraud because they think that the free market cannot function without it. To me, that's like all effects having causes, except the First Cause, but, if you don't agree, well, we will just have to try to get along.... though I will keep an eye on you, knowing your willingness to make limited exceptions in important cases of force and fraud.
Finally The question still stands: If this were a rap video with William F. Buckley, Jr., taking on Joseph Stalin, would you be so consonant?