
Rebirth of Reason

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Friday, November 13, 2009 - 9:53amSanction this postReply
Thanks for the video, Jim. I always enjoy seeing Nathaniel.

I think you misinterpret his statements on redemption. Remember, he doesn't think of Rand and himself as existing only in that narrow context of the affair and her accusations at the end. That is a context carried about, for the most part, by his detractors, for whom it IS Nathaniel.

Second, and more important, you need to remember that for most of his life he has been working with clients in therapy where redemption is directly linked to self-acceptance and therefore to self-esteem. It opens a realistic hope of a self that could be worthy of self-respect and happiness - and without that it is hard to move forward. As a therapist he wants to find ways for the client to be on there own side and to find ways to energize the client to move forward. Nobody knows as well as the psychologist how important redemption is to a morality that values happiness - redemption is a process he works with every day to help the client earn a way back to happiness.

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Friday, November 13, 2009 - 2:07pmSanction this postReply
Favorite part was the drug part.  Laughed out loud!  And happy to hear it.  It's too bad he didn't go into her reaction and afterthoughts (if she tried it after all).  If this is anywhere in Branden's writings, please let me know.  I haven't made it very far through Judgement Day.

I like his comments on redemption.  I recently went through Atlas for my second time.  Each time catching a sentence or two that made me hope Mr. Thompson would turn into a hero; each time being disappointed that he remained almost entirely two-dimensional.

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