| | I revisited this and the link didn't work. This one does:
Still makes sense. Haven't heard much from Fred this time around. I think the biggest threat to the establishment was Hermann Cain. I wonder how many millions were spent to dig up dirt on Cain and force him out. Like so much else, we'll never know the truth. I've begun to believe the corruption in our "democratic" system is very deep. The cancer may be too widespread to cure. I understand Dr. Sowell's wish that he not live long enough to see all this play out. Unfortunately I'm almost 20 years younger than Thomas, I'm afraid I'll live to see the Hubble go dark and not be replaced, massive inflation, the space station fall out of the sky, 10 block lines for toilet paper, 48 hour emergency room waits, a government overseer installed in an office in every "private" business, property taxes so prohibitive only government employees live in private homes,...must stop.