| | Only that Graham Beckel portrayed well the western entrepreneur with his belly over his huge belt buckle and his forceful delivery of everything up until the triumph of the John Galt Line when, leaving Hank and Dagny alone, he had the offhand delivery of a man whose pride comes not from owning things but from creating the wealth that makes that possible.
He leaves them to his home. What if they packed it up and drove off? He would not care. Just before the State of Michigan looted Henry Ford's $25 million Feb 14, 1933, causing the Great Depression, Ford warned the Washington Boys that he felt young enough to start over right now. That is what I perceived in Beckel's delivery of Ellis Wyatt.
Yes, I liked Taylor Schilling. I saw a shot of her legs, and recognized them immediately. But beyond that, as good as she was at delivering Dagny, I had to give first place to Beckel. The same considerations apply to Grant Bowler.
I have served as a judge at MSNS and CSNS and I qualified at an ANA. The difference between 3rd place and First might be 5 points out of 100.
When I was a kid, there was a beer commercial during the Indians games. The umpire sings: "I calls em like I sees em and I always sees em right."
(Edited by Michael E. Marotta on 4/29, 10:38am)