| | James C. Taggart, Ed, you sound like the bastard child of Ogirep Yasdnil and Nop Tranom! Focus on the concretes, please, and stop this rationalistic nonsense with this boogeyman term you have latched onto, and for examples of which you keep looking under beds to find. Surely Rand nothing! She didn't approve using anti-concepts
That being said, yes, Chambers fits the definition - but opportunist hack and liar of convenience seems an even better classification. Neo-Con, just like most terms of political affiliation, is an epithet by non-essentials. What, essentially, unites Democrats, the party of Jefferson, Jackson, Wilson, FDR, Carter and Clinton? Nothing other than the name. "Ex-liberal" is a negative term. Defining a term by a negation, a non-essential, is the best way to get an anti-concept. Anti-concepts invalidate your reasoning. Improve your hygiene and use better defined terms like statist, hawkish, or religious if you please.
(Edited by Ted Keer on 8/28, 9:45pm)