
Rebirth of Reason

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Post 0

Tuesday, November 13, 2007 - 4:51pmSanction this postReply
If we're going to keep having stupid polls, I vote to eliminate the pollings....

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Post 1

Tuesday, November 13, 2007 - 5:44pmSanction this postReply

No one is preventing you from contributing anything of value to this forum, including your own profound poll questions, Robert.

I think the questions asked are not important in and of themselves, but as a stimulant to get us thinking about what direction the world, the US and Western culture are going in.

For example, Puerto Rico has now been an extra-constitutional protectorate of the US during three centuries. And since 1898 there has been a federal excise tax on telephone service in order to pay for the Spanish-American war. [This tax still exists!] Kennedy promised to get a man to the moon and back alive within a decade of his inaugural, but today we aspire to what? A prescription drug care plan for senior citizens? What world powers are ascendent? Which descendent? Why?

Certainly this type of question may not interest everyone here, I have no wish to exclude grumpy curmudgeons. But neither does anyone have to vote or comment either if he doesn't wish.

Ted Keer

(Edited by Ted Keer on 11/13, 8:55pm)

Post 2

Sunday, November 18, 2007 - 9:26amSanction this postReply

China Will Colonize Luna

According to various reports, China, Japan and NASA each have planned manned missions to the moon scheduled before 2020. Given the current rates of growth of the US and Japan, it seems unlikely that either of these nations will be experiencing a dynamic boom that will express itself in expansionist programs. Japan's native population shrinkage rivals that of Italy and France, but Japan has no significant immigrant population. Japanese woman are currently an expanding market for man-shaped bed pillows. Of all the modern Western style nations, Japan is on the fastest track to cease to exist due to demographic trends. Unless the Japanese pass the "singularity" and become a nation of expansionist cyborgs, it seems unlikely that they will colonize the moon.

While the US is growing, this is mostly due to immigration and the higher rate of immigrant reproduction. No nation is better poised than the US right now to go to the moon and to leave a permanent colony, but there is no political will to do this as a matter of state policy, and unless the government gets out of the way of private innovators (see what happens if you mint your own coins!) it is unlikely that a purely home-grown space industry will sprout up on native soil. Look at how the state and federal governments are obsessed over finding ways to tax and regulate the internet. On-line gambling has been outlawed. State governments are trying to tax on-line purchases that would not be taxable if they were mail-order purchases. A small committed cadre of laissez faire techies and the ignorance of our legislators on the way the internet works are the largest impediments to government interference in that sphere. If politicians can find a way to kill this goose to get its golden eggs, they will. Any private American space investment would seem likely to proceed through multinational corporations and off-shore entities.

China, however, has the advantages of a booming economy and a nationalist government not unwilling to undertake huge public works. No longer a communist nation except in name, With its aggressive policy of military growth (about 10% a year for the last decade with no slowdown in sight) and its willingness to subvert the property rights of the individual in favor of large business interests with strong government ties (i.e., owned by party apparatchiks) the People's Republic resembles Nazi Germany before the Anschluss much more than Cuba or North Korea. So long as China does not regress into chaos, it is likely to expand in a way similar to the post-Civil War US. Whether it remains a stable authoritarian state or evolves toward political liberalism, it seems unlikely that cultural nationalism there is on the wane. How many thousands of children have already been named Olympics?

Chinese colonization of the moon is no forgone conclusion. The political situation in that nation could change radically. If China goes to war, it may divert resources away from space expansion. But its current public policy is one of grand nationalistic public works, from the three-gorges damn project to the seizure of private property to build Olympic venues, to its intention to send a man to the Moon. As China tests anti-satellite technology the West cannot deploy an anti-missile defense system in Europe without jostling for patronage with our allies and continuos apologies to the domestic left and to the reactionary Russian dictatorship. China seems unlikely to apologize to anyone for anything any time soon.

Ted Keer

Post 3

Sunday, December 9, 2007 - 10:39amSanction this postReply

Puerto Rico Will Gain Statehood?

The Constitution allows for the congressional administration of US Territories, and for the admission of States. It does not make any provision for protectorates. Puerto Rican natives are granted US citizenship, and hence it is implied that Puerto Rico is indeed US territory and not a foreign nation. During three centuries now Puerto Rico has remained an extra-legal US protectorate due mainly to the patronage of the collectivist Left and the cowardice of the spineless right. Admitting Puerto Rico as a state would plausibly mean the creation of two safe Senate seats and one House seat for the Democratic party. Indeed, since well before the Civil War, the tradition of admitting states in pairs in order to maintain the status quo political balance has been a long accepted tradition. Since the admission of (democratic) Hawaii and (republican) Alaska, there has been no politically expedient way to admit Puerto Rico. Indeed, there have been calls to admit the District of Columbia. (With its vibrant economy and great slate of native statesmen such as Marion Barry, one wonders why anyone would object.) Unless Texas decides to undergo mitosis, the prospect of a second state to be admitted to "balance" PR is unlikely.

But does this matter? What constitutional justification exists for us to keep Puerto Rico in a state of happily subsidized subjugation? What national interest requires the fifty states to maintain Puerto Rico as a third-world style colony at Federal expense? This subjugation of Puerto Rico is an offense and an insult to that island and to our nation. The Puerto Rican government periodically holds referenda asking whether Puerto Ricans want statehood, independence, or to continue the status quo. These votes are invalid for two reasons. Only the Congress and not the territories are entitled to govern and decide the disposition of the territories. And only statehood or independence are legitimate options.

Ted Keer

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