
Rebirth of Reason

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Post 20

Wednesday, February 23, 2005 - 9:12pmSanction this postReply
I'm from the South. I'll stand by courtesy towards the ladies.

Steve, I don't want to ring your ding-a-ling, but I agree with Jennifer. What's the real point of this? I don't buy the morality reason at all, as this matter has been beaten to death from the morality perspective, and not just on SOLO.

If we are going to insist on this line of research, here's a suggestion for the next poll:

Would you find it morally correct to allow your own spouse to have an affair with another person, even if he/she were not a hero/heroine?


Post 21

Wednesday, February 23, 2005 - 9:20pmSanction this postReply
Thank you, George. (By the way, I don't feel "guilty" about your suggested motive, either.) :)

Mr. Druckenmiller, I find your "moral condemnation" suggestion a tad melodramatic. Sadly, tact and concern is often twisted out of context in Objectivist circles, so I expected as much, and will surprised if no one else attempts to throw a similar label my way.

So be it.


Michael, very well said. I like your suggested alternative.
(Edited by Jennifer Iannolo on 2/23, 9:22pm)

Post 22

Wednesday, February 23, 2005 - 10:05pmSanction this postReply
Sorry, but I think that this is a legitimate topic of discussion: it takes abstract concepts such as marriage, fidelity, honesty, etc. and gives them a concrete face, i.e., a story with which we are all familiar. Again, I say that if this in some way offends the extremely erudite Ms. Branden, please, let her say so. Saying that one is "taking another's feelings into consideration" is a strange idea, given that the anointed defender and the supposed attacker honestly have no idea what the subject's thoughts and feelings are on this discussion.

I suppose, however, that I am far more radical when it comes to tradition and old social mores in that I find reflexively "giving way to the ladies" or "taking another's FEELINGS into account" neither intrinsically good or bad, but, of course, good or bad in a given context. I honestly am not trying to be rude, but we all know that philosophy and morality belong in every part of life, in everyone's life, and I can see no harm from a frank and honest discussion. The attempt to stifle this in the name of "manners" seems slightly reactionary, given we are not slandering or badmouthing anyone in anyway. Or are certain subjects and situations "taboo" for mystical, unknown reasons?

Post 23

Wednesday, February 23, 2005 - 10:31pmSanction this postReply
I am not attempting to speak for Barbara or her feelings -- it is not my place to do so.  As I said before, my patience with the whole subject has run out, and I'm not going to sit here quietly and stew about it.  Such is not my nature.  What I am expressing are my thoughts and feelings.

Since you are clearly misconstruing my words about manners and consideration for mysticism, political correctness, and the like, we are obviously not going to reach a point of understanding.

If we have reached a day when manners are considered to be "reactionary," remind me not to throw any more dinner parties.

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Post 24

Thursday, February 24, 2005 - 1:41pmSanction this postReply
Steven - Once again I disagree - strongly. I am only writing this because I believe that you are an intelligent person making an honest mistake.

Good manners and courtesy most definitely are intrinsically good (at least in most contexts). They are proper tools of social intercourse. A friend of mine used to say that you can take them with you anywhere in the world and they will be most welcome.

Being callous to the feelings of others is not cool. It is not radical. It is just crude - nothing more.

I have known a lot of people who ape the gruff "rugged individual" manners of many of Ayn Rand's characters thinking that such posturing will show the world that they are defiant geniuses or whatever. Such callousness was merely a literary device (contrast) Ms. Rand used to highlight the virtues she was writing about. I do not believe that she considered it to be a virtue.

On the contrary. I was present at an Ayn Rand lecture at the Ford Hall Forum in the 70`s when, in the question and answer session, she was asked why she arbitrarily cancelled certain subscriptions to the Ayn Rand Letter. I did not know any of the parties involved and the question meant little to me, but her answer sure made an impression. She stated something to the effect that when her subscribers were rude, she did not want to do business with them. Something to think about.

Now, getting back to this poll. I will ask again, what on earth is to be gained? What can be discovered that cannot be gleaned from the volumes of articles, blogs, threads, books, etc., that are freely and publically available for consultation? Public awareness? Hell, a major motion picture was even made about this. Social analysis? Not likely. As far as I can see, most people think that human beings do dumb things sometimes, despite or because of their professed moral values, and pay very painful consequences. I don't believe that any poll like this will change or add to that conclusion.

But, hey. Why don't we go whole hog? Let's try to engage Bill Clinton and Monica Lewinsky at this stage of the game, make a knee-jerk poll about their affair see if there is anything new we can learn from an "honest and open discussion" that has not been covered before. Would that be rational? Or would that be rude?

I know what I think.

If you believe that Barbara did not make her views clear, then what does the "Hear, hear" in her above post mean? Also, like Jennifer, I am getting bored with discussing this subject. There is an exciting range of issues about Objectivism and applying it living waiting to be tackled.

By the way, deferring to ladies is not a hollow tradition. It stems from a survival thing - establishing a proper form of conduct for protecting females when they are pregnant and in their most fragile state. This spilled over to doing it all the time. A case even could be made that it is now an ingrained part of the human psychological makeup. Personally, I find it charming.


(Edited by Michael Stuart Kelly on 2/24, 4:31pm)

Post 25

Thursday, February 24, 2005 - 2:29pmSanction this postReply
I should mention that this poll was entered into the queue by a rank & file SOLOist, not a staffer. Anyone is free to submit a poll, &, unless there's some compelling reason not to run with it, it will generally get posted at some point thereafter. Folk who feel that the subject of a particular poll has been done to death are free to ignore it. There was certainly no intent to hurt feelings or be rude to anyone in the posting of this one.


(Edited by Lindsay Perigo on 2/24, 2:31pm)

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Post 26

Friday, February 25, 2005 - 11:18amSanction this postReply
How many people out there are there without a sex life of their own who remain enthralled with some affair that happened thirty years ago.

Please, I beg you, grow up.

Post 27

Sunday, February 27, 2005 - 4:00pmSanction this postReply

People, my feelings are not hurt by this discussion, as I stated at some length on another thread on this subject. . But I am very grateful for the concern for me shown by several of you.

However, I am now bored stiff with the subject, which really has been done to death on Solo recently.


Post 28

Sunday, February 27, 2005 - 4:59pmSanction this postReply
Ms. Branden,

I wasn't so much worried that you'd be hurt, exactly. Bored, I understand. It's just a little surreal that you're right here and it's a topic.

There's really nothing much to add about it. I think the new book makes it a current topic of discussion though, which is why I think it's so weird that ARI would help with such a book. Complete silence and denial was probably a better strategy.

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