"If Kerry won the pivotal state by 537 votes that went to Badnarik, that would be a grave injustice."
hah! not only are the people who vote third part foolishly throwing their vote away, but now they're committing injustice too?! Eli: That’s not what I’m saying. The point there was that if you’ve recognized Kerry as the greater “evil” it would be a grave injustice to indirectly allow him to win. If you view Bush and Kerry as equally evil/incompetent/theocratic/whatever, then it doesn’t matter who you vote for.
Ed: I’m confused by your impolite response.
Firstly, my questions have been solely directed at those who believe that voting for Bush (or Kerry) is a “pragmatic” act.
My “nonsensical” question about the “perfect” president was to determine the standard for “compromise.” Perhaps “ideal” would have been the better word. We’ve heard a lot of talk about voting on the basis of the “lesser of two evils.” Is voting for someone who is less than a “pure” Objectivist “unprincipled” for an Objectivist? What if you’re an Objectivist who supports/ed the War in Iraq? Then a vote for Badnarik would be a “compromise” on the basis of his domestic policies. What standard is set for a “principled” vote? What rules Badnarik in and Bush out?
I’m not sure what your quotes are trying to prove. And they still haven’t answered my question about where the moral failure is in someone:
- who’s conscientious, who believes and supports each of your quotes, who publicly advocates them, who convinces others of their rightness,
- knows that libertarian change will not come about through the ballot box, but through a cultural revolution, by changing minds one at a time, like he’s been doing,
- but supports Bush (or Kerry), for whatever reason; to “stem the tide” of socialism/theocracy; because of the candidate’s moral character; because he’s the best candidate to fight the War on Terror as an emergency situation that needs to be addressed before the fight for liberty can continue; etc.
Bill: Rand also supported and campaigned for mainstream political candidates. I wonder what standard made Reagan “evil” and others not?