
Rebirth of Reason

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Post 0

Monday, January 13, 2003 - 4:31amSanction this postReply
As Jeff's HQ cookies are blocking me from casting my vote normally, I'm compelled by the seriousness of this issue to cast a special vote for 'Lemon Cream' - clearly the tiddlywink cookie. Or biscuit rather.

Post 1

Monday, January 13, 2003 - 8:06amSanction this postReply
Chocolate chips for me, though I'd prefer big chunks of chocolate rather than polite little chips. That, and keep me out of the kitchen lest I grab the bag of chocolate morsels and eat them. >^..^<

Post 2

Monday, January 13, 2003 - 8:10amSanction this postReply
I voted chocolate chip because it's the closest to Oreo, one of the few great free-market-created cookies.

Post 3

Monday, January 13, 2003 - 8:33amSanction this postReply
Another lemon cream fan! Awesome!

I can't believe they posted this poll! *grin*

I was joking when I submitted the question .. but you know, it is very much a sense of life issue!

Joy :)

Post 4

Monday, January 13, 2003 - 8:53amSanction this postReply
My vote goes for Carlos Spencer's chocolate biscuits. They do something for my SOL.

Post 5

Monday, January 13, 2003 - 3:41pmSanction this postReply
I vote for all of the above. To further demonstrate this princible at work, I shall now give a long quote from Ayn Rand's famous essay, "Recipie for Disaster: The State of Cookies in America"

Being that we are able to know that all cookies of the culinary variety are objectively real (therefore knowable and edible) and their different recipies are a manifestation of each flavor, thus facilitating yummy individualism,
I hold that no cookie should be taken out of context. To consume one isolated cookie without context to the rest of the jar is to engage in wrecking one's epistemology with what may be termed 'bloating abstraction'.

For centuries, the man-hating intellectuals have been unleashing their malevolent wrath upon the whole of the baking industry longing for the return to the dark-ages when cookie consumption was almost non-existent. What, dear reader, do you think it is they intend when they proclaim that cookies cannot make one truly fufilled and thus guilt you into eating something 'higer' such as that five year-old box of un-eaten tofu that you bought out of such guilt.

Nor is the issue a matter of style. The fact that there are many cookie recipes does NOT prove that man taste buds are indeed unknowable leading them to proclaim that cookies of mud (which are not cookies at all as the nature of such implies consumption) and of choclate chip are equally edible. A man neccesarily must define his reasons for prefering such varieties that he may encounter over those cookies he will not eat so that he will be able to defend himself from those self-hating mystics as they squirm in thier own cesspool of Crisco shortening (which they have been known to consume as an end in itself)

It is only in America that men are still able to eat cookies without such guilt and strife. For it doesn't matter when or where that such cookies are ate as long as the construction of the cookie is in strict accordance with its recipe so long as the recipe is based in reality, for such cookies are the only objectively consumable cookies.

Post 6

Tuesday, January 14, 2003 - 8:34amSanction this postReply
Oh Adam! Wonderful!!!!

I love it! Thank you for making my day!

Joy :))

Post 7

Tuesday, January 14, 2003 - 12:44pmSanction this postReply
First we must define our terms. Is a cookie Dagwood Bumstead's daughter, is it a computer file that communicates our preferences to other internet sites, an attractive woman, a smart person or a small flat or slightly raised cake? The context of the question would indicate that it's the latter.
But when is a cookie not a cookie? Is it a cookie before the ingredients are mixed, when they are mixed, while they are baking, after they are "out of the oven"? Obviously, the first three options are only potential cookies, i.e. "one in the oven". Objectivists believe that only after they have been removed from the oven are they viable cookies.

Post 8

Tuesday, January 21, 2003 - 9:39pmSanction this postReply
I am shocked and dismayed that 46% of the respondents of this poll, including the initiator of the poll, are enemies of Objectivism, enemies of reason, and enemies of life on earth.

While all the cookies on the list are life-enhancing, to value any form of cookie more highly than a chocolate chip cookie is so monstrous an act of evasion that the so-called valuer can barely be considered human.

Post 9

Wednesday, January 22, 2003 - 12:02amSanction this postReply
Well I am shocked and dismayed that animal cookies have only 7 votes so far. They would have 8 if I could vote but for some reason I'm unable to....

Sure, chocolate chip cookies are yummy and I wouldn't pass one up with a nice cup of Dilmah, but come on, animal cookies are where it's at, man. The taste - sweet and variable. The choice involved in deciding not only which animal to eat but whether to start with the head or the legs - fantastic. And the sensation of doing just that - yumtablious!


Post 10

Wednesday, January 22, 2003 - 6:21amSanction this postReply
LOL! MJC! Someday I'll have to send you a batch of my chocolate chip cookies, I'll bring some to the next U.S. based SOLO conference. *grin*

However, as much as I love chocolate chip cookies, I confess, the allure of lemon creams is just too much -- it pulls at my mystic roots and calls to me. Tangy, sweet, sharp, crunchy, creamy without being oververtly sickly sweet.

I guess my subjective nature has been outed for the world to see. I can never again claim to fully human, I can no longer pretend that I am rational .. I am indeed an evader of the worst kind.

Go ahead, string me up. I am unworthy of showing my mystic face on this forum. I knew eventually that my evasions would bring me to this sad juncture ...


Tony, Tony, Tony! Such cruelty, how can you eat anything with a face or with a butt?! And gain enjoyment from deciding which end to start with as you devour the defenseless creatures!

Joy :)

Post 11

Wednesday, January 22, 2003 - 1:39pmSanction this postReply
I still think that it's more fun to each chocolate chips right out of the bag. Especially white chocolate chips. >^..^<

Post 12

Thursday, August 21, 2003 - 1:31pmSanction this postReply
A caveat about my answer: not all chocolate chips cookies are made equal. Be discriminating...

No cheap coconut filler in the chips allowed !

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