| | It's kind of funny to see that some polls generate much more discussion than voting and some generate lots of voting and little discussion. :)
I actually submitted this question and it's been interesting to see how the voting goes.
Of course, I'm one of the ones that responded 'Objectivism' saved my life/sanity and truly, it did. :)
For someone like me that was raised as a 'mystic' more or less, the idea that the world was real, that reality existed, that actions had consequences that we could use our perceptions and ability to reason as real tools was a shock. :)
It took me an awfully long time to shed the idea that 'fate' wasn't in control of MY destiny. It's such an empowering thought but I know I still have to guard against believing that, on a daily basis. LOL!
Mark -- one of the two perfect people in the group of respondees just has to be my ex husband (not that he actually does anything on the net though). He read Atlas Shrugged and a few of her essays and honestly, said to me, 'well of course, any idiot knows that.' as he continued on with his totally irrational life. Go figure! :))
Joy :)