
Rebirth of Reason

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Saturday, September 29, 2012 - 11:09amSanction this postReply
Test 2 is now online at the Culture of Reason Center here.

You need to sign in after the test to get your score and answer sheet emailed to you.  Peronal scores will not be published.

Also, each question includes the validating citation(s).  The key at the bottom of the static page shows that PWNI is Philosophy: Who Needs It? and RP=Return of the Primitive: The Anti-Industrial Revolution, etc.


1) What is philosophy? [PWNI, p.2 + RP, p.45]

I got an 89%.
Also, I posted this to the News topic and it failed twice. I was on my Mac writing HTML and I just figured I hit the wrong key...  but when I reposted, I could see both posts 19 and 20 in the thread but 20 led to the error message "Existence exists but this page does not." and 19 refused to display the post. 
This was one of the active threads that went down when the RoR server failed.  So, I am posting this here, now, as a convenient place for the current discussion.

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