| | Ed, you wrote in #48
I think that the future is an existent, but only in the same sense that a math formula, an architect's building plan, or a unicorn is an existent -- it is something conceivable to a human mind.
Just like math formulas, construction plans, and funny-looking horses, we can "see" the future not as we look out to reality (because the future is nowhere to be found), but as we look inward and perform mental functions. We can, with certainty, predict things about the future -- just like we can, with certainty, predict the outcome of a math equation -- but that doesn't give foreseeable math outcomes or foreseeable futures any special existence (existence entirely independent of a mind).
Do you think that all relations are abstract? Do you think that all relations require consciousness in order for the relations to hold? (Sorry if youve addressed this before and Im not remembering.) Leibniz said Yes, and in a different way so did Kant.
I have held for a long time that the membership relation of concepts and sets is only an abstract relation, not a concrete relation. But I hold that there are also relations that are concrete. There are concrete relations that are perceived and concrete relations that are discerned by abstract thought. Perceived relations would include some relations of proximity, containment, and similarity. Some other similarities, such as that between a water circuit and an electrical circuit, are accessible only by abstraction. (Further, 2nd paragraph, 5th paragraph, and Note 37.)
The fact that the temporal relation that is the future must be known through abstraction (except for the sense of the future-front of experience), does not mean that the relation itself is not a concrete one existing independently of consciousness.
Temporal successions and the ranks of temporal durations exist independently of our having devised measurement instruments (with ratio scales) for them.
For the entry Relations in the Subject Index of Objectivity, we have:
Relations V1N4 6465, V2N2 132, V2N4 22930
Containment Relations V1N2 10, V1N3 71, V1N4 5859, V2N4 102, 112, 22930
Relations and Dynamical States V1N4 69, 7173, 7779, V2N1 3233, 44
Essential Relations V1N1 1618, 2728, 3138, V1N4 1819, V1N5 112, V2N5 12426, 14041, V2N6 4446, 5255, 64, 6970, 74, 116
External v. Internal Relations V1N4 19, 67, 7173, 7778, V1N5 114, 11617, V2N3 7172, V2N5 24, 8, V2N6 185
Hierarchical Relations V2N2 133
Logical Relations V1N1 24, 3031, V1N2 6, 9, 17, 21, 40, V1N3 34, 4041, 4446, V1N4 1415, 2023, 45, 63, V1N5 104, V1N6 77, V2N1 1517, 134, V2N2 67, V2N3 81, V2N4 14, 82, 22728, V2N6 7475, 90, 9697, 106, 114, 18485
Mathematical Relations V1N1 67, 1415, 3334, V1N2 27, 910, 1213, 2930, 41, 98100, 1012, V1N3 17, 4647, 10110, V1N4 11, 1617, 28, V1N6 6163, 77, 17879, V2N1 211, 2126, 3339, V2N2 12, 1079, 119, 125, V2N3 79, 81, V2N4 1037, 10912, 170, 227, V2N6 13334, 15253, 17274, 186
Means-Ends Relations V1N2 39, V1N6 149, V2N2 46, V2N3 10, 15, 1718, 21, 33, 101, V2N5 97, 100, 119, 123, 13740
Membership Relations V1N1 2425, 29, V1N2 4344, 102, V1N3 4344, 71, V1N6 6264, V2N4 112, V2N6 44, 4950, 5455, 5758, 64, 66, 6869, 7477, 8384, 8889, 9091, 106
Ontology of Relations V1N4 9, 1416, 2021, V2N3 18, 4041, 6365, 69, V2N4 22932, V2N6 4851
Part-Whole Relations V1N1 30, V1N3 78, V1N5 74, 11112, V1N6 180, 185, V2N2 132, 135, V2N3 18, V2N4 22930 V2N5 12, V2N6 113, 126
Physical Relations V1N1 5, 11, 1415, 28, 3738, V1N2 1213, 2930, 98100, V1N3 912, 2830, 35, 3940, 4749, 71, 89, V1N4 15, 2021, 6678, V1N5 1318, 7176, V1N6 63, V2N1 2728, 3145, V2N2 2627, 1079, 11326, V2N3 6163, 6870, 7982, V2N4 1027, 231, V2N5 1821, V2N6 5, 13186