| | Mari,
I have gone through a lot in my life (a murdered love, the loss of my kid sister, other stuff) although I have never had any one else to be responsible for as you do your daughter.
I would suggest that being familiar with the Objectivist idea that you are entitled to your own happiness is in itself the most important philosophical lesson you can learn right now. That knowledge alone and common sense will get you far. I would make these suggestions:
(1) Get your priorities straight. During "business" hours, do everything necessary to get your life in order, don't let yourself get distracted during the productive part of the day from doing things that must be done.
(2) But during "down time" as you lay in bed, or at any time when you can't be productive toward fixing outstanding problems, put them out of your head with the thought that "My job right now is to sleep, or to relax, or to have quality time with my child, not to worry about things that I can't do anything about at this moment."
(3) Don't worry about rushing into Objectivism. You don't need to study economics or read about soviet Russia right now. Rather, read maybe The Virtue of Selfishness to empower yourself morally, and The Romantic Manifesto to empower yourself spiritually. And don't worry about "getting" everything right away, because that will come in its own time. Some ideas are clear and others may take a while.
(4) Make time to ENJOY yourself with your daughter, even if this means splurging a little bit, like renting her favorite movie, but just eating rice and beans so you can afford the "luxury" in which you chose to indulge. Spiritual refreshment is as important as, if not more important than physical comfort.
(5)Don't cut people out of your life just because they aren't Objectivists. Just cut people out of your life who don't deserve to be in it.
(6) Finally, stay in touch with Luke and us and ask any questions you need without fear of sounding naive or needy or thinking that an Objectivist would look down on you for asking for advice or help.
Ted Keer
(Edited by Ted Keer on 3/16, 6:03pm)