| | Ted,
Ed, your "let me piss all over the new guy to mark my territory" behavior is inappropriate. I disagree with your assessment, both in its accuracy and in its spirit.
Mindy Newton and Jack Garcia are two examples, and I remember others. First of all, thank you for providing examples instead of empty rancor. However, I'm pretty sure that folks lurk before they join. The forum is public. They can see what they are jumping into when they join and participate. It's not like they are taken off-guard.
On that note, it's at least partially wrong to blame me for scaring folks. In the spirit of the recent holiday, it would be like blaming a guy in a Halloween mask for scaring folks -- when they've already seen his face under the mask (or when it's only partially on his face). You could have the exact same criticism of Rand.
I've said all I care to about Mindy. Heck, I even created a thread to confine and to contain it (so that it can be more fully analyzed).
As far as Jack Garcia, he participated in 2 threads -- in both cases I was friendly, communicated a love for ideas, and even used smiley faces to communicate light-heartedness. Now, I was harsh on Descartes' ideas in one thread. And in the other thread, I said things that might be interpreted as being elitist, but here is the kicker: I was light-hearted about it. Now Ted, I have got to ask you:
What in the hell is so scary about smiley faces? What is so wrong with being so harsh on Descartes' ideas? Why is elitist-sounding talk about "levels of Objectivism" -- when mentioned light-heartedly -- off-putting?
The point is, you should let people get used to the water before you start splashing them. You are like an all too eager labrador retriever. Okay, I think I get it. It can be summed up as: too many smiley faces. What a friggin' storm in a teacup, Ted. Give me a friggin' break.