| | Neither of the two major parties has any concept of individualism whatsoever. Neither recognizes individual rights as having any major importance in its platform, nor even acknowledges the existence or relevance of the concept. The Republican Party is politically bankrupt. The Democratic Party is a tool of statism. The Libertarian Party is a joke.
In 20 years, the U.S. will be politically indistinguishable from Canada or Germany.
I don't see either the libertarians or the Objectivists as being able to reverse the statist trend, which is being aided by the Republicans as well as the Democrats. We are simply too small a percentage of the population. Moreover, recent immigrants are joining our home-grown ethnic minorities in hastening the slide towards socialism, because they believe the government should take care of them, and will vote for the Democrats at every turn. We've seen this in the dominance of the Dems in our major cities, in which most of the new immigrant and minority populations reside. The majority will vote for the Democrats, and the Republicans will offer them a watered down welfare state as an alternative, which will be rejected as less desirable than the real thing.
The principles of freedom and self-responsibility are no longer part of the cultural ethos. That and a profound ignorance of capitalism among the general population makes it unlikely that the statist tide can be reversed within the next several decades.
- Bill