Thanks guys, glad you guys enjoyed the show!
I was interviewed for maybe an hour and a half to get those sound bites. I was happy they used as many as they did. If you read my articles you know I had critical things to say about Star Wars but obviously they were focusing on the positive aspects, which was fine. I thought the show went well.
As the show indicated, Lucas knew Joseph Campbell and was familiar with his works so a lot of the archetypes and story lines were intentional. I suspect others are so universal that nearly any story you tell will seem to include models from myths from the past. I did think that the comments on the show about the much-hated Jar-Jar pushed a bit too far. I suspect that Lucas didn't present a lovable, innocent child-like character who matured over the movies but, rather, a comic-relief character who no one liked and who was rightly relegated to a walk on in the future films.