| | Indeed an outstanding article - a comprehensive & resounding demolition of every sordid aspect of Saddamite appeasement.
I haven't seen the Reason article to which Mayer refers, but I was especially heartened to read this:
The new (November 2004) issue of Reason magazine asked several prominent libertarians (along with “other policy wonks, journalists, thinkers and other public figures in the Reason universe”) whom they intended to vote for in 2004, and why. Dave Kopel, research director of the Independence Institute in Golden, Colorado (and a prominent gun-rights scholar), gave what I regard as the best reason to vote for George Bush: “We’re in a war in which the survival of civilization is at stake, and Bush is the only candidate who realizes the gravity of the danger we face and who is determined to win World War IV.” Kopel’s got it exactly right! Some of us on SOLO have been trying to get this through to the Saddamites for some time now, with no conspicuous success. Perhaps, at Mr Kopel's additional prompting, they will resile from their treachery at the eleventh hour & fifty-ninth minute.