I've had to reboot a number of times over recent weeks when a youtube video locked the computer up. A number of different videos and activated from a number of different pages.
Unfortunately, this is not a joke - what is needed is a bunch of YouTube showing anti-regulation - how regulation stifles liberty and is little more than bullying...
To do it right, there should be some "big guns" producing anti-regulation videos. I'm going to email the Institute for Justice and the Cato Institute, and suggest that they set up funds for producing such videos. The Institute for Justice, I'm sure, knows of many, many "little people" whom they've represented over the years who have been hurt by regulations. The Cato Institute could give a broader perspective on how it hurts the economy overall.
This has probably nothing to do with anything but my computer had a major crash on Thursday and I was just able to get it up and running, with professional help, today.