| | Teresa, Iv'e missed you. Hope nothing more serious than this green cough going around the north-east. Just that crappy sore-throat-cough-hack-constant-congestion-fever going around. Probably brought on by a new job I took a few weeks ago. The pay is awesome, but the boss is a total prick and works us like dogs over there.
Actually, it's not that we have to work our ass off. I don't mind that. No one at this place does. It's that he's such an amazing jerk. Sarcastic, insulting, and disrespectful to a whole new height. A complete infant. He's been in business for 4 years, but not because of his own brillance, nooooo. It's because he knows how to hire great people who do all of the work for him. He just yaks on the phone and barks at people, in between insulting them.
He has a few Mexi-chicks there who speak almost no English, and takes terrible advantage of them (10 to 12 hour work days, on their feet, with one 15 minute break for "lunch"). They're terrified of him, but I'm not. I had these girls squealing with laughter over "Senor Matt! Por favor, senor alubias para sesos!" today.
What an asshole. Anyway, I'm certain I got this bug for lack of sleep from this new job. An honest to goodness sweatshop right here in the Midwest. Geesh!
Mares eat oats and does eat oat, Little lambs eat ivy a kid'll eat ivy too Wouldn't you LOLOL!! My mom used to sing that to us when we were really little.
Back to bed now.... I can't even take a fucking sick day without hell and damnation raining down from Senor Matt Frijole for brains.