| | Well if it was good enough that you understood it, it was good enough. But I will make make and effort to write full words now if you like. Sorry about the angry post, french jokes don't usually bother me so much, we have jokes about americans too, but I don't think they're quite as nasty as "What's orange and red and looks good on a french man? --fire". I thought it was pretty shocking that people actually think that's funny... even if it was about americans, I wouldn't think it was funny cause I have american friends and they're cool, I like them. So I don't think fire would really "look good" on them, and it wouldn't "look good" on my french friends either. Some jokes are funny, and some just aren't. That's my point of view anyways. I have nothing against americans having jokes about french people though, it's all a bit of fun, french people have jokes about americans too so it's only fair. I really do like jokes (it's the only part of this site I've looked at, honestly... the rest is way over my head as I'm only 16...), but there's just some type of humour I really don't like (like the burning frenchmen type of joke). Anyways, I didn't mean to come across super uptight or anything, there's just some stuff I don't think people should joke about. Kinda sucks we had to start off on a disagreement but oh well... I'm actually trying to delete my account now because I never really wanted to be on this site (like I said it's way over my head) but I couldn't post unless I was a member... and now I can't get out!! Can someone explain how it's done please? Thanks. Have a nice day gentlemen...