The Ayn Rand Institute is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit think tank. As such, it is prohibited from conducting political campaign activities to intervene in elections to public office. A 501(c)(3) organization conducting voter education that (a) favor one candidate over another, (b) oppose a candidate in some manner, or (c) favor a candidate or group of candidates, constitute prohibited participation or intervention. Link. Does Mark ever consider this when he writes his articles? So how can ARI people bash Trump? Do you really believe ARI's tax status would be threatened in today's political environment by bashing Trump? On the other hand, do you really believe ARI's tax status would not be threatened if it bashed Biden in today's political environment? ARI's tax status also bears upon the tax-deductibility of donations made by contributors to ARI. When Ayn Rand supported Nixon at Ford Hall Forum, she was not doing so as a principal of a 501(c)(3) organization. People who work for ARI -- but when not acting in that capacity -- are not so limited by 501(c)(3) rules. That is a gray area and I have no expertise about it. (Edited by Merlin Jetton on 9/27, 7:30am)