Dan Greenfield has penned another fine article. He has a keen ability to see to the heart of socialist/progressive/leftist ugly dynamics. He writes, "Other people’s money can be borrowed against. That’s why we have the national debt that we do. But identity politics has multiplied too abruptly and explosively to postpone the reckoning much longer. What were once simple categories of three races and two genders has mutated into an infinite alphabet of sexual identities, a Big Bang of ethnicities, national, cultural, racial and religious, each with its own microaggressions, that easily tops two hundred and shows no signs of slowing down its expansion." And he makes the point that identity politics has a built-in, self-destructive nature that is akin to socialism's economic flaw where eventually they run out of other people's money. It has outward actions fueled by increasing levels of greed, anger and self-hatred and buried in increasing levels of irrationality. It's a force that turns on itself. An organism where each generation eats its parents. http://sultanknish.blogspot.com/2018/01/identity-politics-works-until-you-run.html