The anti-police, quasi-revolutionary organization, "Black Lives Matter" has been embraced by virtually all democratic socialists and liberal Democrats. Now we have the National Socialists/white supremacists declaring that "White Lives matter." What is the common theme here? It is that the lives of people who belong to a certain racial group (black or white) are the ones that preferentially matter. Consider the theories of social justice that dominate the political landscape, such as diversity. What kind of diversity are we talking about? Again, it is ethnic or racial diversity. Or consider the egalitarian opposition to "privilege." What kind of privilege? White privilege. As a society, we are awash in racism. The very people obsessed with the evils of racism are dragging race in the back door. Who then is not a racist? The answer is: those who champion individualism -- who endorse individual rights instead of racial, ethnic or collective rights. The cure for racism is individualism. Rand's ethics is what distinguishes Objectivists from virtually all other political movements in this country and elsewhere. Objectivists are not racists, because they are individualists! This feature of their philosophy is what gives Objectivists a unique moral advantage in the advancement of their philosophy.