William: I think you sense the phony in him, which is what makes us all so uneasy. Not just about him. He is the culmination in this political trend. Nixon really did sweat profusely in those TV debates with Kennedy. And, it really was a tell. But what did America political machinery learn from that debacle? It learned how to put lipstick on pigs. Any pig. And it's been doing so with ever more refined artistry ever since. It's all about the Remote Optics now. It is complete veneer, to the point where, in spite of Postel's hypothesis, it is possible to effect charisma, to manufacture it as if by design. To wear it like cardboard armor. In the Age of Remote Optics, real armor is no longer a necessity. Truman wouldn't have a prayer today. I doubt even JFK; he'd have been Romneyed in the primaries. But a Reagan? A Clinton? A Bush 43? An Obama? We've been trained to put that list into two groups, and we do. But, look at the following list: Truman, Eisenhower, JFK Their appeal was to Americans, not just their half of a polarized America. Any of us would be hard pressed to distinguish the policies of Eisenhower and JFK, they were centrist American presidents in a much more unified America, only artificially divided into 'parties.' Eisenhower, the Kansas doughboy, and JFK, the charasimatic NE patrician, but both forged by their individual experiences in WWII in defense of this nation and its peculiar ideas of freedom. And after JFK... it was as if the clowns moved in and took over American politics. Bush 41 stands out as a blip, a brief throwback, among a parade of folks wearing cardboard armor. LBJ? Nixon? Carter? As much as I enjoyed the charisma of Reagan and the noises that came out of his mouth, I can't help but believe that the nation would have been better off 'just saying no' to the sugar rush. He paid lip service to the idea of limited government, and we settled for the words and the delightful delivery. And our reward was the encouragement of a parade of charasimative cardboard cutouts. The post election analysts expressed the following well; the charismatic tidal wave that was Obama was about Obama; the Democrats mistook that wave of personal charisma for the nation swinging Far Left towards the extreme left side of the Democrats. Now that the cardboard armor of Obama has been totally exposed by his ineptitude and the tidal wave has crested, none of that had carried over to the Democrats. This election was a reaction. The Hopey Changey Brigade that swept him into office did not show up to sing his praises and save him from two years on the rack on the way out the door. And yet, the Christies and Roves have interpreted this as a 'massive mandate' -- they managed to get over 50% of the 37% of those who voted -- are taking their 19% to the bank and claiming this is a resounding endorsement of Circus As Usual. I seriously doubt that. A national reset. A biannual ritualistic bloodletting. The Right's version of Hopey Changey. Now things are going to be different in DC. And the beat goes on. More like, the beating. How many times can we watch the exact same movie credits role by, and actually expect a different result? regards, Fred