
Rebirth of Reason

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Post 0

Saturday, October 11, 2014 - 1:11pmSanction this postReply

“Redskins” was always an insult, at best (and not much good), it was a crude name, lacking even the poetry of Bruce Springsteen’s "Born in the USA": So, they sent me off to Vietnam, to go and kill the yellow man. The name Redskins was from the time of the Yellow Peril and the White Man’s Burden.


Maybe someday Earth First activists will object to our forcing animals to fight each other for entertainment. For now, the names [Bears, Ravens, Cougars...] seem harmless enough. It is difficult to imagine cheering for the Bricks, Rocks, Asphalts, or Concretes.


But, then, English football teams do well enough just being “United”, although some escutcheons do display mythical beasts. Manchester United has a devil – but so does Duke University of North Carolina. Too bad we will never see them play against the New Orleans Saints, the Los Angeles Angels, or the San Diego Padres.


Full blog post here: http://necessaryfacts.blogspot.com/2014/10/good-bye-redskins.html

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Post 1

Sunday, October 12, 2014 - 6:51amSanction this postReply

Nerf World.


The earth, proportionally, is smoother and more spherical than a regulation billiard ball. If it were actually the size of a billiard ball, our thin, wispy atmosphere would be about 0.001 inches thick. That is what is currently insulating us all from the vacuum of an inhospitable void as we cling to this smooth wet rock and hurtle through the void.


We will ultimately need thicker skin than this. Red, white, yellow, brown, tan or pink.


In a perfect world, the Foxboro Tribe buys the 'skins and changes the name to 'The Drunken Reservation Rats' as an explicit 'f.u.' to the rampant pussification of the nation.


Go 'Rats.




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Post 2

Sunday, October 12, 2014 - 1:56pmSanction this postReply

Football should not be taken seriously.

Post 3

Monday, October 13, 2014 - 9:22amSanction this postReply

Taxpayers for sure shouldn't be forced to subsidize football stadiums against their will, but that is a flaw of our system in general, not specific to the NFL.   I don't see any guns wielded by the NFL in any of that.   The issue is with what we tolerate by the elected gun holders.


Who is it that is taking football seriously who shouldn't?  I mean, in terms of folks who it would appropriate for any of us here to dictate 'should' to?


That's a sentiment a parent might direct at a child; totally appropriate.


But ... where else?


Change the channel.  Don't buy Sports Illustrated.   Don't buy a ticket to the games.   Don't play football.   Don't watch football.  Don't take it seriously.  Check, check, check, check, and check; all painlessly accessible to we peers living in freedom.


And then there are the Buzz Bissingers of the world, getting healthy on the rest of us by taking on something he's only ever appreciated from afar, as a fan.   Still scarred over past shortcomings on playing fields long blown away.   Perseverating about a game he's never played, worried about the culture inside of locker rooms hes never been a part of.   Pounding on the walls, trying to tear them down, working overtime on the free choices of his peers.   Should have heard that twit at Columbia going on about football with that other 'Blink' idiot, tag teaming the folks who, in their minds, were still giving them wedgies in the hallways of their adolescent memories.


In a nation of peers living in freedom, under models of free association, in what context is it ever appropriate to dictate 'should' to others?   


I think there are such contexts; the contexts are, when those choices impinge on others unwillingly, via forced association (ie, any examples of taxpayers unwilling funding football stadiums.)


Anywhere else?  (Ignore the Ivy League for now; paternalistic megalomania is taught there.)





(Edited by Fred Bartlett on 10/13, 9:23am)

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