| | What can be done to reduce the power of the two parties?
Maybe when a person is elected, they only have the two terms (or maybe 3 for Representatives), the term limits, but the instant they are elected, they are immediately dropped from their party.
Everyone in congress would be an independent, by law. In the next election, the incumbent will have to run against any republicans, democrats, other independents, etc.
No party can have a caucus - they are forced to be an independent and can not use any party money or party mechanism to run for re-election. They should have only a small number of avenues they can use to campaign (web site, limited number of appearances on TV, no commercials, unlimited number of debates as long as the debates have all the other candidates, etc.) The idea is to force the incumbents to run on their records, and to not be able to spend a lot of time campaigning when they are supposed to just say, "This is what I've done, if you want more of that, re-elect me."
Parties are bad enough when they just control and distort the election process, but to have them active in control and distortion of the governing itself... Ugh! -------------------
But in the long run, the only real cure for these problems will be to take the money away from the politicians - like with a balanced budget amendment that has a GDP cap PLUS the elimination of Income taxes and the implementation of kind of tax where no one can get a deduction or special rate or anything else that can be lobbied for or against. The Fair Tax eliminates ALL items that can be lobbied about except for the rate and the only one who is hit by that is the consumer (there are no taxes of any kind on any businesses) - all consumers have the same rate.