| | The problem is one of reputation. When foreign powers realize that the U.S. can be drawn into a conflict, then of course, if they are smart, they bank on that. As far as WWII and the holocaust, who was responsible for WWII more than the U.S., which had NO business getting into WWI, and only did so in order that (a) Woodrow Wilson could play the big man of the day as supposed power broker (at which he failed miserably, of course, having been played for a sap by the Brits) and (b) to keep the Allied powers from reneging on their Lend Lease and a myriad of other private loans, which would have brought down the U.S. economy (and of course, they DID renege and it and the other deferred costs of the Great War DID bring down both the U.S. and the world economy, setting the stage for WWII)?
If the U.S. had not already demonstrated its willingness - nay, eagerness - to mess with other nations affairs with its military, in the Spanish American War and then the utterly unprovoked and horrendous Phillipine War, and then the literal CREATION of the state of Panama, just in order to enrich fat cat politicians who were buying up land along the canal route in advance - then perhaps the various financial interests would not have been quite so eager to dish out billions of investors money to back people who were hell bent upon blowing everything of value up, on the theory that they would recoup that investment when the U.S. joined in the bloody party.
WE (the U.S. nation state) set the stage for WWII. WE set the stage for the holocaust, by creating the means for Germany to be sucked dry and for the enormous resentment against Treaty of Versailles to empower Hitler on the one hand, and by our own American Psychiatric Association, according to Peter Breggen, coming out in favor of euthanasia, which was first employeed against the incurably insane and then extended in an ever widening gyre against any convenient target. The Jews were considered by the NAZIs to be merely a special case of incurable insanity - caused by their genes. WE gave them the sanction in the 1920's.
And the holocaust would never have happened had not the U.S. blocked Jews fleeing the holocaust from coming here.
How much nicer and richer a world if we had just minded our own business and resisted that urge to make alliances with the lessor of evils.