| | The Dawkins Delusion
Dawkins was funny. I did watch, and enjoy, all the links. But not for the reasonb Dawkins might hope. All I could think of was a world run by the same population of nominally Judeo-Christian believers and agnostics in their same ratios as are found in America, or a world run by the populace of France, with the beliefs found there. (Quelle Imposture!) Or a world run by the popualce of Communist Russia, with the beliefs found there. Hitler, Stalin and Mao, Castro, Pol Pot and Kim Jong Il were all cuddly atheists, god bless'em.
Cromwell killed more than the Inquisition ever did. Let's get our priorities and our facts straight here people. For God's sake, there's no reason to keep silent about the nonsense of the religionists, and the terrible danger of faith. But Christianity is not the biggest threat facing us nowadays. Rappers rapping the Lord's Prayer? Sounds more like a career move than a confession of faith. Very Scott Stapp. I am glad Dawkins could find one mad m*slim to film. (Everyone knows it's impossible to find one in London) Being a Brit, I can see why he had to travel so far as Jerusalem to do it. The only scary religious types to be found in Europe are all at Lourdes, n'est-ce pas?
Dawkins is an elitist self-promoting paleomarxist socialist who lies and says he's never heard of Ayn Rand, and he's the best that we can do for an ally? Oh, and I have read all his books on biology. He's not a bad writer on that subject, for the most part.
Ted Keer