| | Once upon a time, in a galaxy not so far away, a mother introduce her child to The Fountainhead that was written by some lady named Ayn Rand. A decade or two later, after the 'rebel without a clue' phase was deemed to be.... well, not workable.... he decided to read it.
A year or so later, the now man had a conversation with his mother about the book. She took credit for this amazing literary revelation, and immediately proceeded to say that her favorite character was Ellsworth Toohey.
If incredulous had a picture in the dictionary, his face would have been on it.
Two days ago, the man and his girlfriend were at a celebration dinner for a mutual friend, celebrating her one years of sobriety. At this dinner, which the mother was attending, she asked her son, "How do you know vegetables don't have feelings?" To which the son, after catching his breath, replied, "Because they don't have brains." "But that doesn't mean they can't feel!" "Yes it does." "How do you know?" "This is quite possibly the stupidest question I've heard since I left work on Friday." "That's not nice." I obviously couldn't continue this conversation, but in my mind, I thought, not nice is that you subjected me to such a ridiculous line of questioning.
Oh, I guess I broke the third-party view. But now maybe she'll get a better idea of why I only visit her to get my mail.