| | Great post, Ashley.
Nathan, read her post twice. I hope you can take a step back, think things over and decide to stay for good.
All new/semi-new folks, did you know SOLO at one time was host to a poster who wrote articles condemning abortion? That the same poster set forth to prove that single mothers and fathers should have fewer rights under the law than fully Registered and Married Parents? That this same poster felt the need to replace all "ph's" with "f's" because he thought "ph" muddled the English language, and refused from then on to spell "philosophy" or "pharmacist" as God intended, with a two-letter beginning? That this same poster was never banned, censored, censured, or blocked? His article proclaiming abortion to be a sin against humanity and his thread decrying the abusiveness of single-parenthood--and What the Government Should Do About It--were never edited, modified, shoved under the carpet, or erased? That this poster left of his own free will when he saw his ideas making little headway? Despite being a pretty bright guy with some pretty insightful moments, some of his ideas were just plain wrong. And yet they made their way through to us, the SOLOists, by way of the relatively liberal policies of SOLOHQ. Joe and Linz never had to bother with erasing, editing or moderating the things he said, because they had faith in us, in our ability to figure out what was what, to think for ourselves. And the truth, as always, will out. In the end, we made the call. It was all very democratic, and quite unorganized, but the free market played its immutable role as arbiter of good ideas and that poster got voted off the island...sort of. In any case, the volcano didn't even have to erupt.
Do you really think people are going to get lynched around here for veering a bit off course on the road to discovering for themselves what kind of ideas they should hold on to? SOLO has quite a seedy history, kids. You should dig through the archives, see what kind of whack-jobs Joe, Linz and Jeff have tolerated, then come round and call on them to answer for their criminal blacklistings of poor, poor "rebels against the System". See if God don't drop ten tons of dead baby seals on your head for jumping the gun a bit.
Everyone here owes these men a little something, for placing so much faith in us, for trusting us to be able to think for ourselves. I won't ever get down on my knees and be humble towards any man, ever, but I will certainly show some damn gratitude. I'm beginning to understand why LP blows his stack now and then--it's probably hard to watch the good will and faith you put in people be shat on and so thoroughly misunderstood at least once a month.
(Edited by Jeremy on 6/22, 10:06pm)