Today, January 26 2007 (Australia Day), is the official commencement date for starting work towards this year's INTERNATIONAL CAPITALISM DAY events around the world.
Since the worldwide campaign began in 2001 over 200 cities in more than 40 countries have held festive and educational events promoting the Capitalist Ideals of Liberty, Creative Thinking, and Prosperity.
International Capitalism Day happens on the 1st Sunday of June each year.
For this year, that's: Sunday June 3, 2007.
Please mark that marvellous date in your calendar!
Tomorrow I'll write again to provide more information and ideas on what YOU can do to get involved.
Remember: The Celebrate Capitalism (tm) campaign is NOT a counter-protest against anti-capitalists.
Our approach is positive and creative.
We focus on what we are FOR.
Isn't that the Capitalist approach!?
Shouldn't we be using the methods inherent in our ideals and personified by our heroes: The inventors, builders, discoverers, entrepreneurs of today and across human history!
I'll be introducing some new principles and policies to the campaign this year, which I believe will help open it up to a wider audience and to wider participation.
More about that tomorrow.
I welcome your ideas and look forward to working with you!