Given the technical problems with the attempt at a standalone clubs site, I am revisiting the idea of using Meetup. I currently can Organize three Meetups for a total of nine dollars per month and can accept up to 20 Assistant Organizers per Meetup. So I have established statewide Meetups in Florida, Colorado and Illinois and have invited interested parties to serve as Assistant Organizers who can post their own local events to their respective statewide calendars. This "hub and spoke" approach may work well over the long run, though the remaining states will each cost an additional $12 per month and so we will have to address financing.
All I know about Meetup is what I've heard from you, so forgive me if these are stupid questions. Does this mean that for my Michigan group to post a time for Meetup it would cost $12 per month? Is it allowed to post our regular meeting time and place, or is this something different?
Luke Setzer Club Coordinator, RoR Florida Coordinator
If you want a formal Meetup, you will have to pay $19 per month unless you purchase six months in advance which works to $12 per month.
I managed to join early enough to get grandfathered into the system and be able to run three Meetups for a total of $9 per month. But the owners will not extend that further or I would consider buying more.
Meetup has a Paypal link so Organizers can charge for attendance that way if they desire.
it appears that eight Michigan Meetup members have an interest in an Ayn Rand Meetup. You could encourage your locals to join Meetup and use the tool just to get the RoR name in front of more Meetup people.
The North Texas Objectivist Society (NTOS) represents an ideal Ayn Rand Meetup so I suggest taking a look at their site. They have an unusual advantage in that the Organizers own a ranch where they can host large gatherings. Texas seems to have a large number of Objectivists anyway.