
Rebirth of Reason

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Post 0

Tuesday, October 9, 2007 - 7:29pmSanction this postReply
For one thing, one must remember the fundamental difference between a child and an adult is that the child is dependent, and an adult is independent - and that such was the responsibility of the parent, to turn the dependent into an  independent, and in terms of the biological process of survivability, as soon as that being can so become.... in other words, childhood was not a glorious time to be mourned and extended as long as possible - but quite the other, as a time to get thru as soon as can, so the joy of being an adult full of self-responsibility can begin....

Post 1

Wednesday, October 10, 2007 - 5:56amSanction this postReply
Thanks for posting this review, Robert.  I might check into it in the near future.  Certainly some of the more heated discussions on this site have centered on how much control, if any, a parent ought to have over the young adults still under his legal responsibility.  A Wikipedia search for the key term "youth rights" led to some interesting hits.

Many of my own arguments favoring the will of parents over legal minors in areas like sexual responsibility and authority have hinged on the harsh man-made reality of laws that hold parents responsible for the acts of their minor children.  If those harsh laws changed to shift full responsibility and authority to those youths, then many of my own arguments would in turn dissolve.  I would definitely favor a well-reasoned legal reform that recognized total self-responsibility at a much younger age.

As an interesting aside, in ages past rituals like bar mitzvah, confirmation, etc. recognized such self-responsibility around the age of 12.  Marriages often also took place at this time.  I think these past traditions offer some objective information to inform today's laws and customs.

(Edited by Luke Setzer on 10/10, 8:34am)

Post 2

Wednesday, October 10, 2007 - 7:49amSanction this postReply
All that and MUCH more is in the book - a wealth of interesting information and knowledge most not know of these days.....

Post 3

Wednesday, October 10, 2007 - 11:23amSanction this postReply
At twelve, a child is not the physically developed equal of an 18 year old. Self defense of a twelve year old and against one who is 18 or older would be like pitting a pitbull against a young cat. I will be maintaining my responsibility for my childrens saftey until they are 18. I will pick up this book with that conclusion in mind. 
(Edited by Gigi P Morton on 10/10, 11:27am)

Post 4

Wednesday, October 10, 2007 - 12:21pmSanction this postReply
Gigi, would you permit your 16 year old daughter to have sex with a 20 year old man?

Would you even feel the right to have a say in the matter?

Do you think parents of legal minors should have the final say in the matter?

I have had this argument in the past and have generally taken the conservative stance, but perhaps you have a different viewpoint.

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Post 5

Wednesday, October 10, 2007 - 4:04pmSanction this postReply
          I believe "permitting" of my daughters at age sixteen wouldn't be the issue. As they have grown, I value them and they value themselves more everyday, as critical and objective  thinkers. Thus, I along w/ them, would be inclined to question,  get to know and judge who this man was before engaging in sex, and because of the value I place in my daughters, I would share my opinion w/ my daughters,who, I would assume, would still be in the household of my husband and I. I would also judge their intellectual, emotional and  psychological maturity against what they believe they "need" to do. If I found the man to be willfully trying to take advantage of my daughters, I would show him the business end of my Mossberg. 
           When they become responsible for themselves ie. self supporting, place of their own, I will make sure they are armed and have completed jiu-jitsu training. If, while in my household as minors (under 18) , they commit a crime, I have no problem taking responsibility for any POOR parenting the results of which were the crime. Yes, I believe parents have the legal right but also the legal responsibility for their minor age children.

Post 6

Thursday, October 11, 2007 - 5:44amSanction this postReply
Thanks for the reply, Gigi.

I sent you a private message via RoR Mail so check your mailbox on this site via the links in the top left corner of the main page.

Post 7

Thursday, October 11, 2007 - 5:17pmSanction this postReply
There is a similar book out by Judith Levine, Harmful to Minors.... which deals with the sexual aspects...

(Edited by robert malcom on 10/11, 5:18pm)

Post 8

Sunday, October 14, 2007 - 7:10amSanction this postReply

~ Good find. Sigh...another for my list.


Post 9

Sunday, October 14, 2007 - 12:16pmSanction this postReply
BTW - Laissez-Faire Books has just  announced they are going out of business after 37 years - due  to the changing nature of selling books [guess Amazon and similars has truly revolutionized getting books....].....  so - if interested, would suggest going to their site and obtaining what ye can - as it's all going for half off......  www.lfb.com

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Post 10

Sunday, October 14, 2007 - 2:57pmSanction this postReply
"sigh...." ? WTF !? I would very much like to add that many minors are like so many lambs to the slaughter, because of their up-bringing or lack, (take the 14 year old ,Churh of jesus christ and latter day saints, bride or, for that matter, any child stuck in an indoctrination of mis-informed value hieriarchy) (probably more then half of all children in the USA due to welfare statism) that makes them easy targets for exploitation  by adults, so for an adult to persue sexual relations with a minor, of this class,has no other connotation but that they are willfully coercing an itellectual, physical, emotional inferior for sexual gratification, and that is fucked up !
Where I grew up 11yr-olds were being coerced into sex w/ 16 and older age boys and men ,those girls were pregnant and getting abortions at 13, one girl had 5 children by 5 different men by the age of 17 ! Both of her parents worked full time to support her 5 brothers and sisters and were obviously "not there" in other ways as well. Most of the parents in the apartment complex were welfare recieving drunks or druggies of every color and ethnicity. There were boys who were victimized also, including people close to me. Foundation, Foundation, Foundation..."The case against adolesence" ?  There is no way in hell to rationalize fucking a child. Try it with me and as I said, you will get the business end of my shotgun. And if you tell me that that's the result of a situation created by the parents, your right and the child is still the victim until they are 18.

(Edited by Gigi P Morton on 10/15, 9:14am)

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