| | Teresa:
By accusing you of being negative, she shifts both the blame and the responsibility to you, so that she can continue to drift through life like a damp hanky blowing in the wind.
It is how those who can't use their Vulcan Mind Meld Powers to ride those who can. It's like a club, but one you can' join unless you ... can't. But, its' also a club you'd never want to join unless you can't.
I stopped actively supporting tribal committee efforts on Jul 11, 1983. Almost 30 yrs ago. I gladly turned in my vast collection of Hayes Points, 5 Yr Pin, and the insulting employee incentive suggestions reward stamp book that I was supposed to fill up with stamps on my way to a really sweet ball point pen..in a two billion/yr capital equipment manufacturing company, where I was a Sr. development engineer. In fact... their youngest ever, then. I was 30 yrs younger than the other Sr. development engineers. Not any more. Not that I caught up with them, but, well, you know. I blinked.
Never looked back, not for a second. I haven't been 'employed' in 30 yrs.
I'm not kidding about the stamp book. Some asshole in HR dreamed up the whole program. It was called 'We're Turbo: We're Tops!' And we all got these little stamp books, like S&H Green Stamps. Your boss would give you AttaBoy stamps at his pleasure. If you filled out the whole book, you were elegible for the kind of cheap shit they hand out at Chunky CHeese, except it had the company logo on it.
Sweet. Ball point pens. Ash trays. Tie Clasps. Paperweights. Desk thermometers left over from when Carter gave the company an 'Energy Efficiency' Award for turning the office thermostat down 2 degrees. I remember the award ceremony, because we were all commanded on short notice to head out to the front of the engineering building to listen to alot of assholes say nothing, so I had to tell the powerhouse, who had just cranked up a few extra boilers to get me the 30,000HP worth of steam we were requesting, to blow off steam while we paused for the energy efficiency ceremony. I remember the speakers had a hard time being heard, because 30,000HP worth of steam blowing angrily skyward makes a lot of noise. No irony there. I mean, we did turn the thermostats down by 2 degrees. What is 30,000HP worth of steam blowing skyward so that we could stand in a crowd and be told how great we were for saving energy by fat guys in suits?
That, in a nutshell, is life in the Tribe. On average, we're average.
I did look back, once. I remember going to the 'division is blowing away party' a few years later, to 'celebate' with some old friends, and the banner said "We're Turbo; We're Terminated!"
Wonder why? regards, Fred