
Rebirth of Reason

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Post 20

Tuesday, October 18, 2005 - 4:34pmSanction this postReply
Thanks for the link, Pete. I stand corrected. His use of "f" instead of "ph" isn't a cultural thing; it's just absurdity under the pretense of intellectualism.

Post 21

Tuesday, October 18, 2005 - 5:56pmSanction this postReply
Having just finished today's Daily Linz, I just went over to the Phunny Pharm to see their reaction to yesterday's, Phor the Record. Anyone who thought I was exaggerating when I said their SOLO-bashing threads boost their readership several hundredfold should take a look: 1100 reads on the Blatant Cowardice (SOLO-bashing) thread, 67, 38 & 59 on the three threads immediately below. Regi should be thanking me for delivering him an audience! :-)

As far as the subconscious is concerned (MSK's remarkable capacity to take threads off on a tangent! :-)), I believe in such a thing fully. Where I said I might be closer to Regi than Nathaniel is in my disdain for psychobabble & the odious Winfrey/Springer Therapy Culture. But I don't know if Nathaniel engages in psychobabble or approves of the Therapy Culture since I don't read him. His defenders say he doesn't. If that's true, good!

But this wasn't the point of my article!


Post 22

Tuesday, October 18, 2005 - 6:18pmSanction this postReply

I never even wanted to imply that YOU don't believe in the subconscious. It's just that the idea was sneaking in by default.

May I recommend Nathaniel Branden's fine works to settle the psychobabble thing in your head? (He mentioned "snake oil" being sold once in the psychotherapy world, since it is a frontier science and "snake oil" always accompanies the opening of new frontiers.)

And after all, there was another work you flatly refused to read for awhile...



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Post 23

Tuesday, October 18, 2005 - 6:19pmSanction this postReply
"The only thing worse than being talked about is not being talked about."

Oscar Wilde.

It is sort of reminiscent of the famous question to Howard Roarke in Fountainhead.

"What do you think of me?"

And he replies,

"I don't think of you."

However, Linz set the record straight and it was painful.

Hopefully SOLOists wont have to think about it too much in the future either.

Edit: Missed out a crucial word there. Of course we think in copious quantities! ;-)

(Edited by Marcus Bachler on 10/18, 6:22pm)

Post 24

Tuesday, October 18, 2005 - 6:30pmSanction this postReply
May I recommend Nathaniel Branden's fine works to settle the psychobabble thing in your head?

You may, but I won't take any notice! :-)

Now quit hijacking the thread with your hobby-horse!! :-)

Post 25

Wednesday, October 19, 2005 - 7:14amSanction this postReply
Well... all right...

But if you ever need to deal with your anxiety or inner insecurities someday, there's oodles of fine stuff by NB to read. (There's even Objectivist stuff.)

I'm also available for an informal chat, if that's more your style...


Post 26

Wednesday, October 19, 2005 - 7:34amSanction this postReply
I'm guessing yesterday's column helped Linz with any anxieties or pent up frustrations... :) Catharsis rules.

I went over there to the Pharm once or twice in the past, but I found myself going into fight/flight and chose flight. While evasion is a source of evil, avoidance is the secret to avoiding street fights. Situational awareness is best- to the point of knowing where not to go at all.

No subconscious. Okey. If he can't handle that, I can only imagine what a concept like cognitive domains would do to the poor feller.

You know, Linz- it might be more interesting for you to read Branden on business- his essay "The High Self-Esteem Leader" is one that might trip your trigger. It's one of the best leadership essays I've ever read.

Goin' to take a peek anyway- I heard there's traffic accidents to rubberneck.

Post 27

Wednesday, October 19, 2005 - 11:01amSanction this postReply

I will explain the crux of the matter as I see it since I've butted myself into this dispute between you and Regi, what started everything down the path to eventual separation. Everything else is somehow derivative of one singular event. The singular event that started it all was a misunderstanding on *your* part regarding a post of Regi's.



Thank you for being who you are, for being a staunch defender of your convictions, for being such an interesting and entertaining "opponent" (only in ideas).


I posted that at 8:45am. The time is important.

At 8:46am Chris privately emailed me thanking me for the post. Unfortunately, he sent it to an old email address we used to use regularly, but which I seldom now check, and I did not see his email until today (a day later).

So, as far as we, Chris and I, were concerned, the debate was over, and we no longer had any intention or interest in prolonging it. We had put an end to it.[/quote]

Of course, if we were going to settle this the right way we'd ask Dr. Sciabarra to corroborate this. I have no reason to doubt that Regi was being perfectly honest when he states that he posted before seeing your post. Regi, up to that time, had always displayed much patience, sincerety, and benevolence, so I have no reason to think that he would suddenly become embittered over The Great Debate. That Regi may or may not have tried to explain this misunderstanding to you, only you and Regi know.


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