We didn't invent the concept of 'average', we discovered it. It was always there in this universe as soon as this universe had any gradient at all. Without gradient, the concept of average is moot; it is a convergence to sameness without gradient. Ability, honor, height, weight, intelligence, compassion for others, wealth, adherence to the Golden Rule ...-nearly- whatever we can imagine, there is a gradient of it to be found in mankind. There is always a bottom half, a top half, and one of several ways of defining average, median, or mean. 'Mean:' now there's a word. That's the essence of much of modern politics isn't it? We react politically to where the mean is, but we respond according to where the median is. Depending on the distribution of whatever, that impacts the politics of the mathematical politics, and my odd use of the word politics four times in this sentence is an entirely consistent abuse of the much abused word politics. This 'political' tension between inherently divided people about the median -- half on one side, half on the other -- is abusable by politicians to gain power and advantage over the whole seething mass of us. The definition of freedom is freely up for grabs. It includes at times the freedom to climb hills unimpeded by other than natural barriers. It includes the freedom to not be inundated with grappling hooks thrown by others, using your strength and ability to climb the same hills as a substitute for their own. It includes the freedom to throw grappling hooks. It for sure includes the freedom to be pandered to by politicians who will claim to sell you those grappling hooks. For some, freedom won't be here until the local supermarket stops charging folks for bread. Freedom for some means, freedom from hills to climb, that effort being for others. Freedom apparently includes the freedom to believe such things independent of their consequences. At least part of our pandering politics is based on the theory that there is no migration about the Holy Median. We are cemented into place on our struggles up and down life's hills, that is a given, and all that is left is for politicians to swoop in from on high and level hills. But at least one definition of freedom includes the freedom to move both up and down those same hills. Is there a median definition of freedom? Because on average, that appears to be the freedom we end up with. And yet that gradient exists, and so, it drives our politics. Gradient drives everything. Crudely put, some of the top half wants the freedom to keep climbing. Some of the bottom half wants the freedom to not have to climb. Some in the middle look anxiously back and demand of those abovve them, 'why don't you carry them with you?" And those they claim they depend on uniquely for these needs provide safety nets and government programs but it does not ameliorate the gradient in the least. At best it eases the way, but at worst it makes such stations acceptable, reducing the need to climb hills and increasing the need to ask others for more of that which makes struggling only for more help from above acceptable to them. A compassionate knife to the spine, that which allows mankind to walk erect. Safety nets are not enough in the current political wind; the new 'normal' stinking up the breeze coming from the left is 'equality of outcomes.' The concepts of bottom half and top half is not an imperial concept; it is a mathematical reality in the presence of gradient. The bottom half is pandered to with the storyline 'you are being left behind by the top half.' The temporary/transitional condition of being in the bottom half is sold as a deliberate result of the actions of the top half. This argument creates an endless to infinity treadmill on which the top half is demanded to impel all of mankind forward, forever, the goal never being realizable. It is a cruelly irrational basis for politics, and yet, it is fully the basis for half of modern politics. There is no getting off of that equality treadmill until we are all equally at the bottom of every hill. And then what? I suspect that this is why there is a bias of susceptibility to this theory in the young. We literally start with nothing, and transition through life to climbing up hills. It takes both time and effort to climb hills, and so, an age bias in the gradients. Do we not all notice that those who were old were also once young? And if they are very lucky, those who are young will someday be old? We notice that more when we are old and it has been proven to us. And so, the age bias in climbing up hills and asking for life to be the Endless Thirteenth Grade. Why can't Mom and Dad take care of me forever? regards, Fred