| | Yep. Leftist, Marxist nutbags those Gender Studies people be. And that should have been the focus of this article. But that fact was taken away from by the tangent you went on about rape. You should have addressed the way they focus on treating it, not whether or not it happens or how often, or how a girl feels about it. If a girl is lying, she'll be found out, and she should be punished.
The issue I have with your piece, Alec, is that it seems to border on blaming girls for rape, or erring on the side of them lying or wanting to somehow deny that they were complicit somehow. And it seems like the women on here agree to an extent... yikes!
Not that I think that every girl that says she is is a rape/sexual assault victim... but a lot of them are. I'll say this: I have prudes for friends (such prudes! ;o), and at least 4 of them have experienced sexual assault... 2 of them by their older brothers' friends when they were only 12-13, 1 of them by a stepfather for about 10 years, and one of them by a stranger in a bar (he pushed her shirt up and grabbed her breasts until she was bruised... all she was doing was dancing.) They don't act like victims, but these things affect your whole life. Being raped and assaulted takes away your ability to trust or feel safe in public for a time, just like being in a bad car wreck can scare you out of driving for awhile. (One was actually afraid of penises after her rape because she was so young. She thought she was a lesbian for years, then she finally told her brother what happened... it was terrible that she could not enjoy a relationship with a man for so long.) After my experience, and what I have heard from others, I think the 1 in 4 stat is pretty valid. It could be a fluke... but I doubt it.
As a 5'4", 117 lb tiny person, I am threatened by men in certain situations, if only because I am aware of what could happen. Sorry to good guys like ya'll are I'm sure... but you talk about taking responsibility? I think we are by being wary of you. Robin Williams said, "God gave me a penis and a brain: and only enough blood to use one at a time." I agree. I don't put myself in bad situations, but I sure wish I could walk home from studying after dark instead of trying to find a parking place around here. I am not looking to victimize people... girls are not empowered enough for certain. But guns aren't the only thing that will help to fix this issue. But what Alec wrote here could be interpreted by some to mean that rape is not a serious issue: that it's been inflated. But guys need to realize that oogling my boobs or telling me I have a nice ass (I know I do, thanks. You're not gonna get to see it any faster by saying that, or by grabbing it.) is threatening. I don't dress provocatively, and I have a man (whoo hoo) so I am not out looking for any. I don't frequent the bars here because Athens is full of dangerous people. I wish I could though. I should be able to, damn it!
Jennifer, you said "lack of thought" contributed to the situation... but what about the lack of thought of the perpetrator? Should we not do something to remind guys that they need to change the way they think? Guys seem to think that I am alright (or should be alright) with them being ass grabbing, boobie oogling, lip-licking, line-using, horny droolers with hard ons... they think that is somehow... flattering to a woman. Nah. It's creepy. It's also insulting... if you want women to be "empowered", treat us like we're more than just sex toys, even if I'm wearing a short dress in a bar. I still demand respect no matter what. And take it seriously when we say we don't want you. Many don't. I don't care what I am wearing... I am not having sex with you if the first words you ever tell me are "nice ass!" And I ain't gonna like you too much either. (And Andrew, ugly cow I am not. You asked about flirting in another thread? Well... a little advice: don't call her a farm animal because she has an opinion contrary to yours.)
As far as guys getting raped, it's an issue, but it's not like it's as big an issue as women being raped by men. I think a bigger issue is straight male violence against homosexuals. Here at UGA, we have a lot of dumb, Southern, redneck frat guys, and also a large population of homosexuals. Many gay men have been beaten up, and one was dragged out into the road while he was unconscious and left to get run over by a car. The last thing he remembered? A guy asking him, "Hey! You queer?" And he answered, "Yes... why?"
I am not a man-hater... I actually love ya'll! But you just don't know what it is like to be threatened in this way. As far as everything else... down with gender studies! It is all propagandist bullshit.