This article may be well meaning but in my opinion misses the point.
First of all the article attempts to paint an equal picture between the arguments of advocates of public religion and the advocates of keeping religion private. There is no comparison, the former are trying to impose their public exercise of religious rituals, and the latter limit the degree to which it is imposed.
I will grant you that there have been ridiculous lawsuits and legal actions, such as the LA city seal action you gave as an example. Also, some of the complaints about Christmas carols are childish. But this situation has not arisen because of pro-Christian vs. anti-Christian zealots; it is primarily the result of having a public school system forced upon us. Privatize the public schools, and 90% of the examples you gave evaporate. BUT, as long as there are public schools, you cannot get away from the reality that the schools will have to constantly struggle with inane issues like the ones that arise every Christmas.
Further, I will grant you that the ACLU is an extreme leftist organization, with an especially strong antipathy for mainstream American values that it does not display towards other value systems. Every 2 or 3 years the disingenuous ACLU will take up the fight for some Nazi marching somewhere, a Rush Limbaugh or some other such nonsense as a publicity stunt: a transparent and lame attempt to sell themselves as 'even-handed'. But, these exceptions are just that: exceptions. Along these same lines they also will take cases that are trivial in nature, but act as a means to disguise or mask the legal cases that have state and national repercussions.The ACLU agenda is fairly obvious, its collectivist clothing cannot so easily be made invisible. It is not 'American Civil Liberties' that concern them, but 'Politically Correct Orthodoxy'.
Lastly, the goal of those people that are the strongest activist against Christian displays is not an atheist America; they are not clean enough for that. Theirs is not the atheism of an objectivist, the logical extension of his reason. Theirs is the atheism of the post-modernist European brand; an extension of their rejection of Western values. They are supremely tolerant of theisms that are some hodgepodge of new-age paganism with Eastern theisms, just as long as the focus is on non-judgmentalism and altruistic collectivism. Secularized Western Christianity is signaled out because, in spite of all its inherent contradictions, compared to Eastern Religions and the new-age claptrap; it has far too much focus on the individual, and has become far too associated with Enlightenment ideals. Ironically, their assault on secularized Christian values is in reality an assault on Western values as they see them.
But, here again I must for the most part take the side of those that oppose religious displays. Once again, in a nation that commonly violates property rights by regulating endless aspects of it and blurring the distinction between the public and the private, no one should be surprised at the results. The lawsuits against the public schools may be petty, but the reality is that as long as there are so-called 'public' schools, the arguments of the ACLU have the greater validity than those of the parents that decry the anti-Christian legal actions.
If ever there were an issue that should be a non-issue it is this one. But the 2 sides are not equal in their claims. The side tending towards 'private' religion has the greater moral high ground. The side tending towards imposing itself based on 'majority values' has no moral leg to stand on. That the majority of those same forces that pose as defenders of 'minority rights' and 'defenders of America from religious zealots' are among the most intolerant, collectivist, anti-business, and pacifistic appeasers, does not change the fact that in this specific case they have the superior argument. The same contradiction can be seen when some truly right-wing fundamentalist Christian happens to side with greater economic freedom in some instances, although his agenda as a whole is no more than the fascistic variant of his collectivist counterparts of the left.
A morally equivalent analogy may be proper in the broadest sense, if one were to expand this specific issue into a greater context, but within the limited context of this particular fight - it does not apply.
On the brighter side however, I believe that both sides are losing their ‘culture’ war. In spite of endless barrage of leftist propaganda, mainstream Americans continue to increasingly reject their insipid ideology. In spite of the dogmatic ravings and pleas of the religious fundamentalist, the nation continues towards an ever-greater secularization of its religious values. Is the trend far too slow for my taste, it sure is. Are there sensational examples that can be cited to the contrary, there sure are. But the trend is there nevertheless. The ever-increasing percentage of children being home schooled or in private schools is but one example. This issue, politically charged as it is, will become increasingly more marginalized within the next few decades. Good riddance!
(Edited by George W. Cordero on 12/23, 11:17am)