Eva: It is an entirely accurate portrait of our two parties of power; since before I was born. Between the two, it is a toss-up which is the worse non-choice: the no hope for freedom Democrats, or the false hope for freedom GOP. The proof of that is the last 50 years of tag team incompetence leading us here from where this nation once was. For all their lip service regarding limited government, nobody grew the government more than Nixon, Reagan and Bush 43; not fot lack of desire on the part of the Democrats. It is a tag team of do nothing but grwo the CronyFest on the Potomac. They alternate-- here, you pretend to redistribute wealth, then it is our turn to pretend to constrain government. I can never imagine myself ever voting for another Democrat or Republican ever, unless the GOP puts forwward someone like Paul, which will never happen. They will prop up Christie, put lipstick on that pig, and lose to Hillary in 2016, and just like in 2008 and 2012, it matters little who is riding around DC in the bullet proof limo, it is all the same song. McCain? "Well, I got Cs in economics, but that is good enough to run the economy." Romney? "No, let ME run the economy!" Jesus, what unbeleivable tools. (Jan 2008 GOP Primary debates at Reagan Library, McCain, ROmney and Hucklberry sing the praises of the POTUS job as 'running the US Economy.' Ron Paul shook his head and sadly pronounced the death throws of a GOP that had totally and completely lost its f'n mind. Some local GOP tool comes to my frontdoor, campaigning for state senator. I ask him about this nonsense, and he confides to me that "It's the Economy. stupid!" is such an intellectual juggernaut that the GOP just has to roll with it. So I kicked the jackass out the front door, then took a hot shower, and swore I'd never vote for one of these gladhanding lightweight powermongers ever again. The Democrats aren't the biggest impediment to freedom in this nation, it is a hapless GOP with no mind or soul or convictions. GLadhanders. Realtors and Buick Salesmen and Budweiser Distrrributors rushing off to DC to run the cronyfest and sell out freedom. Weasels. They are the problem because they pretend to be an alternative to the Democrats; they are no such thing. That is why, as long as the modern GOP exists, there will be no alternative to the Democrats. By all measures, they are doing a great job of taking themselves out, as are the Democrats in power(whose best argument is that the minority GOP is keeping them from really running the economy the way they'd prefer, and/or, it is Bush's fault.) Just, like everything else they do, not quite competently or fast enough. regards, Fred