| | Actually, now that I've finally read an article in here, what's the deal with these things? Can anyone add them or what? I figure they first have to pass by someone's swear-word noticing eyes, or need to be Objectivism-oriented in some way, or at least the work of a select, designated few. I don't know. All I know is that I do have many ideas I could punch into my keyboard, and that they probably would be close to Objectivist thought if not exactly so. At the very least, they'd certainly be Libertarian. In fact, I still have, somewhere, in note form, a few ideas I wanted to flesh out into articles at one stage and submit to the Free Radical. Some might contradict what I believe now (I had these thoughts in my early 20's), but one thought, the only one I recall, is definitely still welcome. It has to do with the main reason people don't change their belief system when confronted with another. In my opinion, it comes down to emotion, to pleasure. Truth, even though most people claim to follow it, comes second in most cases. Peoples lust for whatever current view they have, which they're so used to that they can't see as a lust, influences their decision making. So, if you present them with a new way of thinking, a way of thinking that's different to the one that their current, unnoticed emotions are attached to, all they see is the raw reasoning of this new view, rather than the resultant emotional benefit it might bring them as well. When you tell them about wholly different social set-ups, they compare this state of affairs with what they currently believe in, but what they believe in carries pleasure, while the newer doesn't for them yet. And this leads to misjudgment and delusion on their part, because they think they're merely sizing up one thought process with another, rather than an emotion with an idea. Were they to feel the greater pleasure that better, newer outlooks would bring them, they'd become all giddy with excitement suddenly, and begin listening. But the problem is, such pleasure doesn't occur in a snap. It takes time. So, when trying to convert people, rather than just stating the facts to them, communication about emotion should also be included, because this is what drives people. You need to tell them that reality can be severely different in more ways than just intellectual outlook. And that's what one of my articles was about, in its jotted-down form. So, unless I'm too mystical or something for this forum, I'd be happy to add such thoughts in a fuller display sometime.