My personal perception of evaluate this art.
- From the artist’s Intention about Depth Achievement? (Personal opinion): OK.
- From the artist’s Intention about Color Achievement, at balancing form the point of view of Effect by Color? (Personal opinion): too much “blue” and its derivative; because it causes lack of movement and confuses the focal point.
- The Intention of The Artist out of his product? (personal belief) I am not sure and I will never be sure because of the Meaning and Practicing about “Respect”, the first step to take for the “Fairness Accomplishment” of each individual.
My personal consideration in a “wild guess” about the artist’s intention from his creation; which must be considered by the simply logic of “cause and effect”, and our knowledge about the meaning of “Responsibility to other as to oneself”, once we gain the power of knowledge for the desire of being “superior” or just “necessity”. I try so hard to explain to anyone (me included), please don’t jump on the head of an “effect” (the artist in this case); when we should be jumping on the head of the solution (Society System at this very moment) that produces this kind of effect on a human. In other words regarding this case, let’s not blame the confused or not confused mind (because we will never know but just the artist under each human personal right to exist, if he is lucky enough to know or have an intention about his creation?) of the artist; when we should be concentrating at the rules offered by the Society System Structure built by our past from our own specie, evolve to our present time to practice and become a civilized human specie. My question is: I am sure about its intention; but not sure about the direction took from “?” for the future?
- “IF” this artist wanted to show human’s “Superiority” over everything known (including our own specie proved by reality; at separating class or type by its quantity of possession, not need to include the different between culture yet) by human self? (Personal contemplation): well accomplished by the artist; but not necessary have to be accepted by my own belief.
- “IF” the artist wanted to show human’s “Capability” at this moment of time in our evolution? (Personal capability for equation): well, so so, accomplished by the artist; because it is too limited already to show our capability that we can consider of understanding things (the big blue sky limit only) by regardless the limit of Universe that we all know already for a fact about its existence. Example: I would paint some galaxy or other planet instead of a just plain blue sky; plus a signal of “?” in red somewhere in the painting to express my intention of “what is the intention purpose?” and “how we are going to make it?”; because not everyone has a chance to become that type of engineers in this society system and earn over five figure of money in dollar per year for surviving his “own existence” in this society system and see the big future day. Because the structure of Society System is unable yet to make everyone possible to have that chance; or it does by more than just of luck?
Note, because English is not my first language, and I realized that neither in my own language (personal opinion about the efficiency of any language for communication); therefore do the equation about my limitation at expressing in this respected place, thank you for your time!
I am
Human Specie, no more and never the less!