
Rebirth of Reason

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Monday, September 5, 2005 - 11:03amSanction this postReply
Hey, Phil, this is great news!  Thanks for posting this!  Is anyone in contact with Logan Darrow well enough to persuade him to post some of his ideas here at SOLO?

Post 1

Monday, September 5, 2005 - 12:05pmSanction this postReply
Mr. Coates, excellent article, very poignant.

I remember when I first read about the Lost Liberty Hotel, I was very moved.

What the hell is happening to this country that eminent domain can become acceptable? Historically speaking, we should be having a tea party right about now.

Post 2

Monday, September 5, 2005 - 1:40pmSanction this postReply
I agree with you, Phil. It's Objectivism in action. Not just empty talk and books on the bookshelf. The essential principle is that if we are determined to live well we will 1) put Objectivism on the map and 2) enjoy the rewards of our hard work. 

Keep up the good work, Logan!

By the way, I'm quite sure Logan is too busy with this thing to post often at SOLO. Last time I talked to him he was getting a ridiculous number of emails and phone calls every day.

Post 3

Monday, September 5, 2005 - 5:53pmSanction this postReply
It's great to see Logan having so much success in his endeavors, which go beyond the Lost Liberty Hotel. I got to see some pilot episodes of a proposed TV show he's working on at TOC-Schenectady. They were passionate, powerful, and (on occasion) hilarious.

I participate in online forums and seminars because I personally enjoy them and find that they help me to chew and integrate Objectivist philosophy into my life. If they also help to spread Objectivism (as I believe SOLO and TOC do quite well), that's just a peripheral benefit.

As for activism, I run a campus club that has already (in one year) converted several college students to Objectivism, as well as significantly improved the views of many others. In addition, I authored a campus column, hosted a radio show, and engaged in various other methods of advocacy. In this time, I have noticed a great deal of lethargy on the part of other Objectivists I have met (or converted), who haven't seemed all that interested in helping to spread the philosophy that has been such a value in their own lives. So I share Phil's sentiment.

But, I'm not sure that the problem stems from too much time being spent hashing out minutiae on online forums. Probably not much more than 5 percent of Objectivists spend time on that minutiae anyway. There has to be some other reason why the other 95 percent don't seem to give a damn.

Post 4

Monday, September 5, 2005 - 6:35pmSanction this postReply
Andrew wrote:
There has to be some other reason why the other 95 percent don't seem to give a damn.
Evangelizing does not fit into their overall life's purpose.  They employ Objectivism to pursue their own selfish values passionately.  Of course, many of them leverage the efforts of ARI via donations to that organization's own evangelizing efforts.  Not all of us are good marketers, though many of us can afford to provide support to those who are.

I do consider it short-sighted not to spend some tangible fraction of one's resources in some way in the cause of advancing liberty and reason via Objectivism.  To expect effects without causes is irrational.

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