The Evil Package-Deal
by Joseph Rowlands
One of the bigger challenges to promoting or understanding a radically new philosophy is that so many words and concepts are tied to the traditional worldview. Take the word 'evil'. (Read more...)
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Wednesday February 22, 2006 |
The Philosophic Validation of Inductive Inference
by Ed Thompson
This essay is meant to provide a background to the problem of induction, to critically analyze the solution to this problem (the philosophic validation of induction, as laid out by Matson), to offer another example analogy to show that the self-same reasoning holds, and to tie together the 2 essentials of proper induction – so that any potential argument can be evaluated against this new and refined standard for it. I will begin at the beginning -- by outlining the 2 possible senses of induction. (Read more...)
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The Evolution of the Objective
by Roger E. Bissell
The central concept of, and the name Ayn Rand chose for, her philosophy of Objectivism has unfortunately been the subject of considerable debate and confusion. Rand's views on objectivity and the objective have gone through a definite process of evolution, but not all of the modifications or extensions appear to have been for the better. This essay sorts out Rand's various formulations of these concepts, including her now-abandoned term "objective reality" and her famous "intrinsic-objective-subjective" trichotomy, and relates them to the traditional false dichotomy of objective-subjective, which was inspired by Kant's twist on the original Scholastic concept of the "objective," pointing out how Rand's and Peikoff's and others' thinking on the objective has gone astray, and where a properly redirected focus might lead us. (Read more...)
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An Objectivist-Christian Dialogue
by Neil Parille
There has not been, to the best of my knowledge, Christian-Objectivist dialogue. I offer two areas in which dialogue would be fruitful in the narrow sense of helping to clarify opposing ideas. (Read more...)
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Wednesday February 1, 2006 |
The "With-Measurement" Program
by Stephen Boydstun
In our family, the young people have taught us the proper way to read your fortune cookie when we go for Chinese dinner. Each person is required to read their fortune aloud, followed by the words “in bed.” The added phrase puts the fortune in a whole new light. To the fortune “You will soon be sitting on top of the world,” you must add . . . (Read more...)
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Differences between Objectivist Politics and Libertarian Politics
by Joseph Rowlands
Objectivists have sometimes argued that you can't accept the Objectivist politics without the philosophical base. Certainly if you try, there should be significant differences due to the lack of grounding. Since the September 11 terrorist attacks, it's become quite clear that there are in fact significant differences... (Read more...)
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Ayn Rand Society 2005 - Paper 3
by Stephen Boydstun
Rand thought that Aristotle’s ethical system was merely a carving of accepted ideals. He failed to answer: Do humans really need a code of values? What for? Is there a noncircular basis of the good? Rand said that Aristotle “based his ethical system on observations of what the noble and wise men of his time chose to do, leaving unanswered the questions of: why they chose to do it and why he evaluated them as noble and wise.” (Read more...)
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Ayn Rand Society 2005 - Paper 1
by Stephen Boydstun
Professor Lennox first presented Rand’s views on axiomatic concepts, then Aristotle’s view on axioms and their validation. He then briefly compared their views in this area. (Read more...)
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The Ethics and Methodology of Capitalism
by Neil Parille
A review of Edward Younkins' Philosophers of Capitalism: Mises, Menger, Rand, and Beyond (Read more...)
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Wednesday December 21, 2005 |
Thoughts for the Neophyte Objectivist
by Ethan A. Dawe
One of the great things about learning Objectivism is the clarity it can give you when looking at life and the world around you. Each day we are bombarded by issues and concerns in all forms of media and in our interactions with others. Pundits, experts, friends, and co-workers alike talk on and on about what’s w... (Read more...)
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Saturday December 10, 2005 |
Binswanger's Appreciation of ANTHEM
by Fred Seddon
In an Epilogue to ESSAYS ON AYN RAND'S ANTHEM, (for which I am writing a glowing review) Harry Binswanger writes an “Appreciation” of ANTHEM in which he tells the story of a student asking whether Rand wrote ANTHEM as an answer to Plato’s “Myth of the Cave” from The REPUBLIC. While he suspected that Rand did not have P... (Read more...)
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Ayn Rand: Philosopher of Unity and Integration
by Edward W. Younkins
Ayn Rand (1905-1982), the controversial American novelist and philosopher, has done more than anyone else in history to develop a moral case for capitalism. (Read more...)
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Saturday November 26, 2005 |
Vegetative Robots and Value
by Stephen Boydstun
Thought experiments are notorious for pre-packing the point to be demonstrated into the setup to be contemplated. In an essay in The Philosophic Thought of Ayn Rand (1984), Charles King raised just that sort of objection to Rand’s robot gedanken: "if the robot neither knows nor cares [what happens to things around it], the example seems uninteresting." I do not agree that the robot gedanken is without interest if the robot is devoid of thought and feeling. I will here extend Rand’s gedanken in such a way that it can inform the concept of purely vegetative value. (Read more...)
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Wednesday November 23, 2005 |
Why Limit Government?
by Marty Lewinter
There is only one way to safeguard rights: limit the power of the state—that is, limit the power of the group over the individual. (Read more...)
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Ayn Rand at the West Virginia Philosophical Society
by Fred Seddon
The West Virginia Philosophical Society met on Oct. 21-22 and celebrated, in part, the hundredth anniversary of her birth. Six of the twelve speakers, including the keynote speaker, addressed topics on Rand. (Read more...)
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Daily Linz 15 - This Cheek's Not For Turning
by Lindsay Perigo
Michael wants to do his bit in ushering in the age of the soft-sell and bringing an end to religion-“bashing.” Well, if he were advocating clarity without dogmatism, KASS without hysteria, reasonableness without appeasement, I would agree with him. But as far as I can tell, he’s pitching for an Objectivism that is New-Aged to the point where it is not only unrecognisable as Objectivism, but is antithetical to it. (Read more...)
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To Turn or Not to Turn - A Question of Cheek
by Michael Stuart Kelly
Are religious principles like turning the other cheek really anti-Objectivism? There goes that little child inside me again. He tells me that Ayn Rand’s heroes turned the other cheek all the time in her fiction. (Read more...)
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Values are Not Universal
by Craig Haynie
Any attempt to universalize value precludes any possibility of real value, because such attempts separate value from the valuer. All values are personal. And that's a fact. (Read more...)
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Wednesday October 12, 2005 |
The Backbone of Benevolence
by Andy Postema
Objectivism gives benevolence a backbone that has little to do with being nice and everything to do with being rational in an irrational age. (Read more...)
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Daily Linz 7 - Sense of Strife Objectivists?
by Lindsay Perigo
I hope that SOLO will continue to be a repository of open debate among the factions, without ceasing to be a scourge of such evils as postmodernism, relativism, Political Correctness, the Cult of Uncertainty and all the rest of the ghastly contemporary sewer whose pusball representatives I finally flamed here recently. I hope that it will continue to accommodate dissent without blunting its polemical edge, the KASS factor. I hope that its vision, set forth in the Credo, will survive and prosper from all the tumult and the shouting. I hope that the end result will be a noisy world full of Objectivists, all talking animatedly to each other whatever their disagreements! (Read more...)
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The Passion of the Critics of Ayn Rand's Critics
by Lindsay Perigo
I was one of those who resolved not to read James Valliant’s book, The Passion of Ayn Rand’s Critics, openly touted as “The case against the Brandens.” Still, I got talked into reading it in a thread right here on SOLOHQ. And I’m glad I did. (Read more...)
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Understanding Addiction -- One Objectivist's View
by Michael Stuart Kelly
The universal aspect of all addictions is that the sense of identity has been contaminated and the faculty of volition has atrophied. In the case of drugs and alcohol, there is a chemically induced craving. These are the parts of the mind and body that need to get better. Then the rest will follow. (Read more...)
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All or Nothing: Philosophy with Degrees (Part 3) - Objectivism's Solution
by Joseph Rowlands
How prevalent is the all or nothing approach? Keep your eyes open and you'll see plenty of examples. But the important point to take away is that degrees really matter. They may require more thinking. They may be more difficult to explain or to utilize. But they're a basic part of comprehension and you can't avoid them without sinking into blind ignorance. (Read more...)
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Saturday September 3, 2005 |
All or Nothing: Philosophy with Degrees (Part 2) - General Reasons
by Joseph Rowlands
The all or nothing view, whether caused by rationalism, intrinsicism, or just mental sloppiness, cannot see important relationships, or maybe just doesn't care. It's not concerned with degrees, and can't deal with them. It draws very clear boundaries, and you have easy, definitive uses. It doesn't matter how close you are to the boundaries, the results are the same. (Read more...)
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What Would Ayn Rand Say?
by Fred Seddon
Since 1911, Sweden has been the paradigm of the welfare state. Given Rand’s pro-capitalist anti-welfare state philosophy, it isn’t too difficult to imagine what she would say to Sweden. Start decontrolling. (Read more...)
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