
Rebirth of Reason

Articles: Objectivism

July 27, 2020
Your Love of Existence
by Stephen Boydstun
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Your Love of Existence ... (Read more...)
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July 6, 2020
Objectivism and Military Service
by Michael E. Marotta
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The military is a proper function of government. Its practice has not been properly defined and articulated in the past. What follows here is one soldier’s viewpoint after five years of part-time service. It is not an integrated philosophical treatise. Ayn Rand identified logic as non-contradictory thinking. I believe that serving in the military is not necessarily contradictory to the virtues of selfishness.

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January 16, 2014
by Fred Seddon
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This is part II of my review of Bissell's review of DIM in the latest edition of JARS. (Read more...)
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January 5, 2014
by Fred Seddon
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This is part II of my review of Bissell's review of DIM in the latest edition of JARS (Read more...)
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December 29, 2013
by Fred Seddon
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A review of Bissell's review on DIM from the December, 2013 issue of JARS (Read more...)
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March 19, 2013
Beauty, Goodness, Life
by Stephen Boydstun
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Literary Arts American Heritage Dictionary defines art as “the conscious production or arrangement of sounds, colors, forms, movements, or other elements in a manner that affects the sense of beauty; specifically, the production of the beautiful in a graphic or plastic medium.” The types after the semicolon are ... (Read more...)
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April 4, 2012
It's All a Matter of Precision
by Paul Hibbert
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The present butterfly effect theory doesn't come to the inescapable conclusion that small changes in initial conditions never die out without eventual significant effects. (Read more...)
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April 13, 2011
Unity and Integrity in Ayn Rand's Atlas Shrugged
by Edward W. Younkins
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Atlas Shrugged concretizes through hierarchical, progressive, and inductive demonstration Rand’s systematic philosophy of Objectivism. (Read more...)
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December 13, 2009

Ayn Rand: The Wired Interview (1998)
by B B
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FTA: "11 years ago I blind-pitched Wired magazine an ill-defined article on Rand. In response, they asked me to write an "interview" with her, where I would come up with all of the questions and then cobble together her answers from things that she had written and said (she died in 1982). Fun!" (Read more...)
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October 23, 2009
An exchange with a non-Objectivist
by Jim Henshaw
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Reason.com has had several recent Ayn Rand blog posts recently. I (commenting under the name "prolefeed") had an interesting exchange with "Hazel Meade" on the thread commenting on the Ayn Rand book interview on The Daily Show with Jon Stewart on 10-15-09. (the interview can be found here): http://video.google.c... (Read more...)
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July 26, 2009
Religion & Liberalism (*)
by Manfred F. Schieder
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The author published the essence of this article some 25 years ago in an Argentine newsmagazine. In spite of the time gone by, the topic has, unfortunately, not lost its primacy. It is as actual and as pressing as it was then, particularly in view of the recent anti-capitalist declarations by the present Pope Benedict 16. (Read more...)
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July 9, 2009
Quo vadis, Businessmen?
by Manfred F. Schieder
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True, free businessmen are facing the situation of the renewed attempt by governments all over the world to establish collectivist systems that, as history proved many times over, throw the general population into dictatorships and, thus, a life of famine and despair. The article poses the question if businessmen have noticed this menacing purpose and presents the answer to face it from the very start. (Read more...)
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May 29, 2009
Implementing Capitalism
by Manfred F. Schieder
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The implementation of liberalism (in the European sense of the term) as the future social system and Capitalism as its economic tool, requires the previous training of the future administrators that will take up the practical task of reforming the present form and content of governments into Administrations of the Means of Defense of the Rights of the Individual. This article contemplates some of the topics involved. (Read more...)
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May 26, 2009
Leonard Peikoff vs. Philosophy
by Barry Loberfeld
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After almost 20 years, "Leonard Peikoff vs. Philosophy" — my reply to his "Fact and Value" — is now available (and illustrated) online. (Read more...)

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April 20, 2009
A (Very Brief) Defense of Induction
by Barry Loberfeld
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A (Very Brief) Defense of Induction by Barry Loberfeld On the blog of his “Rationally Speaking” site, American (by adoption) polymath Massimo Pigliucci, reflecting the influence of a certain Scottish polymath, recently wrote that the problem with induction is “that if the only justification for induction... (Read more...)
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January 21, 2009
Preparing for Capitalism
by Manfred F. Schieder
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While the present worldwide situation doesn't make it seem likely that the time for the establishment of a Capitalist social system is at hand, evolution itself proves that this moment must arrive. But the changes involved require the activity of previously prepared managers for the establishment of the Capitalist system. This article takes up the administrative requirements and further theoretical and practical tasks this feat will involve. (Read more...)
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November 19, 2008
Paul K. Driessen and Ayn Rand: A Book and a Campaign to Change the World
by Manfred F. Schieder
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Objectivists have an extraordinarily great opportunity to spread the Objectivist ideas on a worldwide basis, as applied to a most worthwhile cause: to raise the poor from their poverty on their own bootstraps. (Read more...)
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October 6, 2008
The Is-Ought Problem
by Dean Michael Gores
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For thousands of years philosophers and thinkers have asked the question "What is the meaning of life?". People still ask this question and do not come up with self satisfying answers. I answer to your satisfaction. (Read more...)
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July 9, 2008
Philosophical Roots of Quantum Theory and the Problem of Nonradiation
by Brett Holverstott
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A historical narrative of the origin of quantum theory is offered. It is shown that quantum theory was motivated by a philosophic position which rejected the role of unobserved natural processes in physical theory. As such, quantum mechanics should not be interpreted (as is often done) in terms of underlying physics, but as a computational tool for predicting observable quantities. Further, in the eighty years since its inception, the original problem of nonradiation of the bound electron has been solved, classically, as given by Mills (Mills, 2001). The implications are discussed. (Read more...)
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February 19, 2008
Impossible? A 'Village Poet' on the Right?
by Walter Donway
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For a century, "Greenwich Village" has been synonymous with "experimental" poets, the drug-inspired art scene, and the counter-culture, from Allen Ginsberg's "Howl" to William Burroughs's "Naked Lunch." Now, a Village poet has published a book of poetry inspired by Ayn Rand, and with a title taken from John Galt's speech. The publisher is the Atlas Society and sales, even before publication, are making it a best-selling first poetry book. (Read more...)
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February 11, 2008
Atlas Shrugged: The 50th Anniversary
by Walter Donway
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Walter Donway, a founding trustees of the Atlas Society, wrote this for the 50th anniversary celebration of the publication of Atlas Shrugged. (Read more...)
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January 25, 2008
Rights, Games, and Self-Realization - Part II
by Stephen Boydstun
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[Editor's Note: Stephen long ago posted parts 2 and 3 of his essay in the discussion area of part 1 http://rebirthofreason.com/cgi-bin/SHQ/SHQ_FirstUnread.cgi?Function=FirstUnread&Board=2&Thread=1912 I'm adding them both now so that they come up if one searches for his articles.] Property rights are now taken up, first for two in isolation, then with wider social surroundings. Property rights in land, in the general economic sense of the term land, are center stage. (Read more...)
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January 25, 2008
Rights, Games, and Self-Realization - Part III
by Stephen Boydstun
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[Editor's Note: Stephen long ago posted parts 2 and 3 of his essay in the discussion area of part 1 http://rebirthofreason.com/cgi-bin/SHQ/SHQ_FirstUnread.cgi?Function=FirstUnread&Board=2&Thread=1912 I'm adding them both now so that they come up if one searches for his articles.]  The concept land state is reached as the core of all political states. The possibilities for justice in that core and its extensions are discussed, including the just forms of financing. (Read more...)
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January 21, 2008
Themes of Ethics
by Joseph Rowlands
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The first question of ethics, which is the starting point of it all, is why do we need ethics in the first place? Can we live without it? The answer Objectivism gives is that we need a code of values in order to make our decisions. Since we're beings of volitional consciousness, we don't have an automatic means of knowledge. We don't have an automatic way of deciding what to do. We have to figure out a way of making choices. And that's the role ethics fills. (Read more...)
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January 14, 2008
by Joseph Rowlands
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Certainty is a topic that confuses a lot of people because they use an unrealistic standard. The typical problem is that they mean certain in a way that doesn't allow for any possibility of being wrong. The typical line is that if you can't know everything, you can't know anything. So as long as you don't know everything, you can't really be certain, can you? Obviously that kind of standard would be impossible to meet unless you were omniscient. And we're not. (Read more...)
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