by Fred Seddon
This is part II of my review of Bissell's review of DIM in the latest edition of JARS. (Read more...)
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by Fred Seddon
This is part II of my review of Bissell's review of DIM in the latest edition of JARS (Read more...)
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by Fred Seddon
A review of Bissell's review on DIM from the December, 2013 issue of JARS (Read more...)
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A New Discipline
by Fred Seddon
I have been president of the West Virginia Philosophical Society since 1988 and there have been many first during my tenure, but this one may be the most important. It is not everyday that one hears about a new discipline, but at the Spring Meeting held on Mar. 28-29 in Wheeling, WV, Professor Ted Drange, one of my fa... (Read more...)
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Saturday December 10, 2005 |
Binswanger's Appreciation of ANTHEM
by Fred Seddon
In an Epilogue to ESSAYS ON AYN RAND'S ANTHEM, (for which I am writing a glowing review) Harry Binswanger writes an “Appreciation” of ANTHEM in which he tells the story of a student asking whether Rand wrote ANTHEM as an answer to Plato’s “Myth of the Cave” from The REPUBLIC. While he suspected that Rand did not have P... (Read more...)
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Valliant Versus the Brandens
by Fred Seddon
Let me begin with a “thank you” to Linz for recommending (highly) James S. Valliant’s book “The Passion of Ayn Rand’s Critics,” (PARC). And while I agree with most of what our fearless leader had to say (I liked the book so much I’ve ordered a copy as a Christmas present for a friend), I do have a few thoughts I want to state for the record. (Read more...)
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Ayn Rand at the West Virginia Philosophical Society
by Fred Seddon
The West Virginia Philosophical Society met on Oct. 21-22 and celebrated, in part, the hundredth anniversary of her birth. Six of the twelve speakers, including the keynote speaker, addressed topics on Rand. (Read more...)
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What Would Ayn Rand Say?
by Fred Seddon
Since 1911, Sweden has been the paradigm of the welfare state. Given Rand’s pro-capitalist anti-welfare state philosophy, it isn’t too difficult to imagine what she would say to Sweden. Start decontrolling. (Read more...)
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Implied Axioms
by Fred Seddon
Part of my celebration of Rand’s hundredth birthday has been to reflect on some of her writings that are either central to Objectivism, or which have meant the most to me. I was thinking about Rand's two "corollary axioms" and came to realize that Rand could have added more axioms to this list. (Read more...)
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Bud and Lou, Art and Sue
by Fred Seddon
Literature, since it has a semantics, places rather severe limits on what one can say about the content of, say, a novel. Music is more akin to aural wallpaper than it is to a mimetic art like literature. (Read more...)
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Hume, the Analytic and the Declaration of Independence
by Fred Seddon
At first reading, one might think that my title collects together a rather odd trio. What, after all, does Hume and the analytic have to do with the Declaration of Independence? Ayn Rand thought little of Hume and describe his philosophy as the voice of Attila. Peikoff tore into the analytic-synthetic distinction in... (Read more...)
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Long on Plato - VII
by Fred Seddon
7TH LETTER P: Well, if you have read the section with care, you can’t really find anything approaching a “proof” that I am a mystic, a term of opprobrium in Objectivist’s circles. S: Then why do you think the word found a place in Long’s section title? P: I’m not sure. Although one can fi... (Read more...)
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Long on Plato - VI
by Fred Seddon
CRATYLUS Plato: Certainly. To see what is wrong with Long’s use of my Cratylus, one has only to restore the context from with the quotation was, may I say, ripped. Seddon: Proceed. P: Before I do, let me remind you what Long is trying to prove by quoting the dialogue. S: And that is?... (Read more...)
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Long on Plato - V
by Fred Seddon
CRATYLUS Plato: Certainly. To see what is wrong with Long’s use of my Cratylus, one has only to restore the context from with the quotation was, may I say, ripped. Seddon: Proceed. P: Before I do, let me remind you what Long is trying to prove by quoting the dialogue. S: And that is?... (Read more...)
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Long on Plato - IV
by Fred Seddon
REPUBLIC Seddon: Why don’t we turn now to the Republic. Long quotes it five times. Plato: And in doing so confuses two different methods. On p. 10 he tells us, “The Socratic Method--also called ‘dialectic’--proceeds by question and answer:” Then on p. 11, in the first half of a quilt quotation he writ... (Read more...)
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Seddon's Salvos: Long on Plato - Part III
by Fred Seddon
Seddon: I love the Symposium, it’s my personal favorite and I love teaching it. How does Long do with this dialogue?
Plato: He doesn’t do too much with the Symposium. In fact, he quotes it right after quoting Republic 517e thinking that they make the same point, i.e., that rationality “turns out to be substantive rather than merely procedural.” (Read more...)
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Long on Plato Part II
by Fred Seddon
PHAEDO P: So let’s begin with the Phaedo. All of my works are dramatic and have their own individual dramatic setting or context, if I may use a word much favored, and with good reason, by Rand and the Objectivists. The Phaedo has a mythical setting. And the specific myth that I had in mind I tell the reader... (Read more...)
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Seddon's Salvos - Long on Plato, Pt. 1
by Fred Seddon
Fred Seddon interviews Plato ... (Read more...)
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Saturday February 26, 2005 |
Seddon's Salvos - Rand on Rawls
by Fred Seddon
Rand is using a book she never read to predict the style and future success of a book she vows never to read. (Read more...)
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Sex and St. Thomas
by Fred Seddon
I can find no way of saving Thomas's argument against sodomy within the confines of natural theology. (Read more...)
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Ayn Rand At The APA In Boston - A Brief Report
by Fred Seddon
I have been going to this convention since the late 80s and this is the first time Rand has been given so much attention. (Read more...)
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A Reply to Manfred F. Schieder
by Fred Seddon
My work on Kant is not an attack on Objectivism qua philosophy. Everything I say could be true or not without in the least impacting the philosophy. It has to do with Kantian scholarship, not with Rand’s philosophy, which I accept. (Read more...)
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Kant the All-Destroyer
by Fred Seddon
If you don’t have the data, you shouldn’t make claims.
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Miller on Kant
by Fred Seddon
In this article, I respond to Fred Miller's reply to George Walsh's famous paper on Kant. (Read more...)
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Thursday September 16, 2004 |
Uncle Kant: Enlightenment Hero and Proto-Objectivist
by Fred Seddon
Fred Seddon's reply to Peter Cresswell's "Kant Couldn't," SOLOHQ, September 9. (Read more...)
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