
Rebirth of Reason

Articles: Kayton, Barry

January 16, 2004
Bogeyman Be Gone: Reflections on Nyctophobia and Child-Rearing
by Barry Kayton
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Imagine you're six years old. Imagine it's late at night. (Read more...)
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January 7, 2004
The Good Life
The Ten Commitments
by Barry Kayton
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What does Ayn Rand's philosophy mean to you in practice? (Read more...)
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May 2, 2003
War for Men's Minds
Thinking on Your Feet
by Barry Kayton
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Barry Kayton gives us yet another lesson on how to destroy our enemies! (Read more...)
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April 3, 2003
Michael Newberry Frames
by Barry Kayton
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Newberry Miniature Frames are here! (Read more...)
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March 11, 2003
War for Men's Minds
Project: SOLO Brochure
by Barry Kayton
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We've printed the first SOLO brochures. Barry Kayton explains the how and the why of it. (Read more...)
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February 11, 2003
The Scope of Moral Failure
by Barry Kayton
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Is it wrong to regard the moral failures or suffering of others with indifference? (Read more...)
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December 18, 2002
On the Beach
by Barry Kayton
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A poem. (Read more...)
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December 12, 2002
War for Men's Minds
The Missionary Position
by Barry Kayton
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What is it about deliberately seeking to introduce others to your way of thinking that seems unappealing? Let me begin by asking: to what in reality does the concept "missionary" refer? (Read more...)
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October 29, 2002
War for Men's Minds
The Ransberger Pivot
by Barry Kayton
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There's only one disadvantage to The Ransberger Pivot: it doesn't come naturally... (Read more...)
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October 23, 2002
2003 Michael Newberry Calendar
by Barry Kayton
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Michael Newberry 2003 calendars available! (Read more...)
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October 8, 2002
The Lost Spirit of Petra
by Barry Kayton
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More than two millenia ago Petra featured prominently in history--the New York City of its day--but somehow became a city frozen in time and forgotten... (Read more...)
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September 2, 2002
Theft At the Speed of Light!
by Barry Kayton
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We're living in a fantastic age of invention. Gadgets that were the stuff of science fiction only two decades ago -- such as cell phones and handheld computers -- are now commonplace. These technologies, like all those that preceded them, bring fantastic benefits that tend to change not only our behaviour but the structure of economic relationships within and between countries. However, the arrival of digital media poses unprecedented challenges. (Read more...)
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July 2, 2002
War for Men's Minds
Snapshot Thinking
by Barry Kayton
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The free market is sometimes criticised as short-sighted. (Read more...)
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June 17, 2002
Reaching New Readers
by Barry Kayton
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I'd like to see are more attempts by young Objectivist writers to reach new kinds of readers. (Read more...)
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June 7, 2002
War for Men's Minds
Franchising the Philosophy of Objectivism
by Barry Kayton
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Thinking of Objectivism as a product opens up a range of possibilities for taking the philosophy to a wider audience. (Read more...)
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May 2, 2002
War for Men's Minds
Discover Freeland
by Barry Kayton
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From the War Room's Project page. Barry Kayton discusses his Discover Freeland project, an activity book aimed at 10-12 year olds. (Read more...)
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May 1, 2002
The Good Life
The Benefits of Objectivism
by Barry Kayton
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Objectivism is a philosophy based in this world; a philosophy for your mind, your life, your liberty; a philosophy for life as it could be and should be. As such, the benefits of Objectivism are the benefits of life itself: priceless. (Read more...)
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April 17, 2002
ObjectivismThe Free Radical
Dogma and Development - Thoughts on the evolution of Objectivism
by Barry Kayton
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Four decades after the publication of Atlas Shrugged, the groundswell of people familiar with Ayn Rand and Objectivism continues to grow. Year after year, Ayn Rand's fiction attracts bright, eager, young people, many seeking a golden highway to Galt's Gulch. But beyond Ayn Rand's fiction lies a disappointingly narrow land of interesting articles, abstract philosophy and, for many, authoritative dogma. (Read more...)
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