Thursday September 15, 2005 |
 Julia Duncan Brent - Another Rising Star
by Julia Brent
From the Free Radical, an interview with SOLO's new Director of Operations. (Read more...)
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OE USA: Andrew Bates is NOT Dead in a Ditch
by Julia Brent
Editor's Note: I got a long-distance call from Julia this afternoon, NZ time, to say she was calling about Andrew Bates. I immediately went, "Aaaaaaaaaaaargh!!!!!!!!!!" I automatically assumed Bates, the klutz with Attention Deficit Disorder, was dead. Evidently he isn't, but he will be soon after I get hold of him. He is causing trauma & bewilderment to innocent Americans trying to go about their daily lives. And that's only when he talks. Now he's been behind the wheel of a van on the wrong side of the road & caused mayhem. On behalf of the people of New Zealand, I apologise to the people of the United States.
Julia seemed to think folk here might like to send Andrew comforting e-mails.
Linz (Read more...)
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Schulmeister's Trophy (Part Two of Two)
by Julia Brent
Part two of Shulmeister's Trophy. (Read more...)
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Schulmeister's Trophy (Part One of Two)
by Julia Brent
I've taken a challenge as I stumble from poetry to prose, choosing a time and place usually more interesting to men and those who study fighting and war.
This piece of historical fiction is the first part of an exercise given by a friend. I write a letter in character, and she responds without any direction from me, and letter by letter we write a novel.
She's a fantasy writer, and threw a tantrum when she read the manuscript. "I can't believe you picked the Battle of _______!" So real, so brutally cold and male. She may have wanted mythology, ancient air, and animal spirits in super-nova, but I can't be sure. She won't speak to me, but is tersely rising to the task, angry as any war goddess.
To those familiar with this time period, let me know how I stand on accuracy. For that, and any other thoughts, I will be very grateful. (Read more...)
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